Sendftp-Win v1.0 (5-Oct-2000) by Ernst Ernst's eggdrop page: ============================================================================= !!! This is the Windows version of sendftp !!! This is a proc to send a file via FTP to another server. Useful in many situations, for example to upload a HTML file generated by eggdrop to your www server if it is not the same as your eggdrops machine. This procedure can be used for example with the ChanStats script. Include it with 'source scripts/sendftp-win.tcl'. Call it with all parameters: sendftp 'localfile' and 'remotefile' *must* both be given as FULL paths to the filenames, the first on the local, the second on the remote server. For example: sendftp /home/bill/stats.htm bill secret /bgates/WWW/stats.htm (local-file server user pass remote-file)