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To find a therapist (referral) call the APA at 1-800-964-2000, the NMHA at 1.800.969.6642, RAINN at 1-800-656-HOPE or (UK) 0845.766.0163

The first thing you can do after an assault is to speak to a counselor at a rape crisis center free of charge. 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

It's very important to also find a regular therapist. Healing is possible. Some good advice from the below resources is to interview three therapists and choose the one you feel fits you best. Listed below are referral organizations, such as the APA, which tell you how to find a therapist near you. Other sources of referrals are RAINN, community mental health centers, medical schools, and the local medical society. During this interview you may want to ask what area they specialize in and if there are any topics they are uncomfortable with such as religion or LGBT issues. Many people are interested in support groups or group therapy which is available at many rape crisis and women's centers. You may want to consider online support groups as a supplement to in person support sources. If you are in crisis now please call a hotline operator. We are here to listen.

Find rape crisis services near you from Medline.

Find in-patient programs for trauma.

Referral Organizations- Find a therapist
International information
Non-profit resources

Why is therapy important?


You may need a safe, nurturing environment to freely express your thoughts and emotions. In order to regain control of your emotions, it is essential to feel secure enough in your environment to express your anger, grief, fear, self-blame, without feeling judged.


This Locator provides you with comprehensive information about mental health services and resources and is useful for professionals, consumers and their families, and the public. You can access this information in several ways by selecting a State of U.S. Territory from the map or drop-down menu.

The ADAA provides a therapist directory.



You can also find a cognitive therapist here.



How do I find treatment?


These resources from the National Mental Health Association can be used to help you find mental health treatment services in your community.

Although the American Psychological Association is not able to provide direct referrals, you can obtain a referral to a psychologist in your area by calling 1-800-964-2000. The operator will use your zip code to locate and connect you with the referral service of the state psychological association.


Resources For Survivors


Information, Resources and Therapist Listings from Sidran's Help Desk.
Private Sector Resources

How to choose a therapist


From Dr. Kevin Grold-Find three therapists specializing in your problem and interview them each to decide which works best with you.



"EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy has emerged as a procedure to be reckoned with in psychology....Almost a million people have been treated .... Also, further research appears to support the remarkable claims made for EMDR therapy."

Ask your therapist to teach you:

EMDR needs meeting skills for self esteem




Safe place


other sources:

If you are a student free counseling is probably available through your University. For rape crisis information for your school try this www.google.com search. Please enter the name of your University. Example : Rape and LSU and Counseling


A National Directory of Family & Marriage Counselors



Types of therapy:

Therapeutic Approaches Commonly Used to Treat PTSD (common in rape victims):

For information call 0845.766.0163
SANELINE 0845 767 8000 is SANE's national telephone helpline offering support and information to callers throughout the UK.


What are some of the different kinds of traditional therapies?

Psychology movements and books






Brewin, Chris R. (2006). Understanding cognitive behaviour therapy: A retrieval competition account. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 44 (6), p765-784, 20p.

Abstract: Vulnerability to emotional disorders is thought to lie in memory representations (e.g. negative self-schemas) that are activated by triggering events and maintain negative mood. There has been considerable uncertainty about how the influence of these representations can be altered, prompted in part by the development of new metacognitive therapies. This article reviews research suggesting there are multiple memories involving the self that compete to be retrieved. It is proposed that CBT does not directly modify negative information in memory, but produces changes in the relative activation of positive and negative representations such that the positive ones are assisted to win the retrieval competition. This account is related to the treatment of common symptoms typical of emotional disorders, such as phobic reactions, rumination, and intrusive images and memories. It is shown to provide a parsimonious set of principles that have the potential to unify traditional and more modern variants of CBT.


Allen, J. (2005). Coping with Trauma: Hope Through Understanding, 2nd ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Bremner, J. & Marmar, C., Eds. (1998). Trauma, Memory, and Dissociation. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Herman, J. (1992). Trauma and Recovery. New York: Basic Books.

Saakvitne, K., Gamble, S., Pearlman, L., & Lev, B. (2000). Risking Connection®: A Training Curriculum for Working with Survivors of Child Abuse, Baltimore, MD: Sidran Institute Press.

Stamm, B.H. (Ed.) (1999) Secondary Traumatic Stress: Self-Care Issues for Clinicians, Researchers, and Educators. 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Sidran Institute Press.



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