Blogs, Mags, etc. How to keep up to date on the 'Net Summary

2003 Special Libraries Association Annual Conference
News Division Session

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

MaryDee Ojala, ONLINE magazine editor, began her presentation by asking: keeping up with what for whom? Are we trying to use the Internet to keep current or are we trying to keep up-to-date on Internet technology and use? Are we looking at tools, resources, the industry, or our profession? Marydee explored these questions by outlining ways we can keep up with the Internet and use the Internet to keep up. Her slides are available.

Gary Price, known for ResourceShelf, also began his talk by exploring what "keeping current" means. He discussed many of the technologies he uses to help keep current, like alert services and RSS feeds. He also covered ways to disseminate information, including Weblogs. Gary closed with some recommended sources for professional reading that often feature Internet sites and technology. His presentation is online.

You can listen to the archived Webcast of this program.

News Division Program, SLA 2003 Annual Conference
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Last Updated: 09/05/03
Jessica Baumgart