devanayaka panchasat

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Twenty Ninth SlOkam ( The Beauty of the Lord's Hands)
aajAnu lamBhibhi: alankrutha hEthi jAlai:
jyAgAtha raaji ruchirai: jitha paarijAthai:
chithrAngadhai: Thridasa pungava jAthAsangA
Thvath bAhubi: mama dhruDam parirabyathE dhee:

Extended Meaning
Oh Lord of DEvAs! SaamudhrikA lakshaNams point out
that the arms extended down to one's knees is the symbol
of a Utthama Purushan.Is it therefore any wonder that
Your arms are extending from shoulder to the knees as
the Parama Purushan? Your naturally strong arms beautify
the weapons that they adorn. When You aim your arrows with
Your bow, the chord of the bow leaves a welt , which itself
is beautiful to behold . In contrast to PaarijAtha tree that
can give any boon except Moksham , Your PaarijAtha like
hands does grant Moksham as well as what one desires.
My mind is deeply lost in the enjoyment of Your arms
with beautiful mid arm jewelery of many kinds
and enjoys the embrace from those strong arms just like
a maiden feels, when she is held tight by her lover.

Additional Comments:
"Mama dhee: dhruDam parirabyathE" confesses Swamy Desikan.
My mind is tightly embraced says the athyantha bhakthan of
Lord DevanAthan as he feels the tight embrace from Lord's
strong hands( Thvath bAhubi: jAtha SangA mama dhee:
dhrudam parirabhyathE ).What are the lakshaNams
(Characterestrics) of those arms of Lord DevanAthan?

They are known for:

(1) adorning novel bangles on His Shoulders
(thOL vaLaikaL/Chithra angathai: samanvithA)

(2) They are victors over the boon granting PaarijAtha
tree (Jitha PaarijAthai:)in that the Lord's hands alone
in contrast to that divine tree can grant Moksha Sukham

(3)They are beautiful to behold with the welts formed by
the chords of the Lord's bow (jyAgAtha raaji ruchirai:)

4) The lower hands are long and reach down to the knees
( AajAnu lamBhibhi:).

5)These hands adorn the weapons like Sudarsanam , Paanchajanyam ,
Saarangam , Mace and beautify these weapons ( alankrutha
hEthi jAlai:).

Baahu ParAkramam (Valor) , the dhivya soundharyam
(Divine beauty )of His arms , matchless oudhAryam (generosity )
and MOksha Daayaka Mukuntha Tatthvam of the Lord
are being celebrated here. He never lets anyone
who sought His refuge down since He is Achyuthan.
He saves the DevAs time and again from the atrocities
of their enemies (asurAs).