devanayaka panchasat

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Thirty Ninth SlOkam ( Salutations to The Lord's Knees)
lAvaNyapoora laLithOrdhva paribramAbham
LakshmI vihAra maNi-darpana Baddha-sakhyam
gOpAngaNEshu krutha-chankramaNam tavaithath
jAnudhvayam SurapathE na jahAthi chittham

General Meaning:
Oh DhaivanAyakA! When one has the darsana soubhAgyam of
Your beautiful knees , they make us wonder whether these
knees are the whirlpools from the river of Your beautiful
ThirumEni.When one reflects on their beauty and lustre,
they appear like gem-decorated mirrors held for the benefit of
SrI Devi sitting on Your lap engaged in checking Her own
beauty. These knees of Yours crawled on the inner
chambers of the houses of the Gopis during Your
KrishNAvathAram.These knees never leave adiyEn's
mind and have become the object of adiyEn's
delectable meditation.

Additional Comments:
Oh DhaivanAyakA! The flood of beauty is flowing with
foam and froth past us at a high speed. In that flood
of Soundharyam of Your ThirumEni, the knees of Yours
look like a fast rotating whirlpool(SurapathE! Tava
Jaanu-dhvayam , laavaNyapoora laLitha Urdhva ParibhramAbham).

From another perspective, the lustre and the beauty of
those knees makes adiyEn wonder , whether thay are a pair
gem-framed mirrors for Your dear consort , Hembhaja Valli,
to check Her beauty as She sits on Your lap( Lakshmi
VihAra MaNi darpaNa Baddha-sakhyam). Those are the same
knees that crawled over the insides of the houses of Gopis
and enchanted them ( yEthath Tava Jaanu: , gOpAngaNEshau
krutha chankaramaNam). Those beautiful pair of knees never
ever leave my mind ( Tava yEthath Jaanu dhvayam mama
chittham na jahAthi). They are anchored in my mind.

"Swamy Desikan's athyantha anubhavam of the beauty of
knees of Lord DevanAthan are echos of KurEsar's anubhavam
of the soundharyam of the knees of Lord VararAjan
(SrI VaradarAja Sthavam: SlOkam 57):

yaa tE gAthrE Varadha! janithA kAnthimayee yaa AapagAbhUth
tasyA: srOthO dhvitayamiha yadh yAthi pAdha-pravAdham
tajjAthOrdhvabrahmi-yugamivOdhbhAnunee jAnunee tE
syAth ushNOrvaa kakutha-yugaLam youvana-isvarya-nAmnO:

In enjoyment of the parama soundharyam of the Lord's knees,
KurEsar visualizes the Lord's soundharyam flowing like
a fast moving river and branching off in to two sections
and reaching His two Thiruvadis. In that flood, the two knees
appear like outward bound lustrous , circular whirlpools
(tE jaanuni tath soundharya janitha srOthA pravAhasya
urdhva brahmi yugmiva bhAthi).They also remind KurEsar
of two perfectly formed humps (thimil or KoNdai)of
a bull asserting its extraordinary youth and great