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Chitra Paddathi - Padhuka Bhandham

tArasphAratarasvara rasabhararA saa padhAvanee sArA
dheerasvaira charasTira RaghupuravAsarathi rAmasavA

To read the figure

Start at the top and follow the directions below
ta    ra(center)
spha  ra(center)
ta    ra(center)
sva   ra(center)
      ra(center) (right foot)bottom->top sa bha ra(center)
                 (right foot) top rA ->(small toe) sA
                 (right foot toes)left->right pa dhA va nee ->(small toe) sA (right foot) top rA
dhee  ra(center)
svai  ra(center)
cha   ra(center)
sthi  ra(center)
      ra(center) (left foot)bottom->top ghu pu ra(center)
                 (left foot) top va ->(small toe) sa
                 (left foot toes)left->right ra thi rA ma ->small toe sa (left foot) top va

Meaning & Details

As a valiant person, a free and independently--acting
hero , who relishes a firm stay in AyOdhyA, SrI Raamaa
walks along wearing the PaadhukA , which produces a
high pitch melody all around, thereby spreading all
around happiness.
Special Notes by V. Sadagopan: 
The 949th slOkam contains a new type of chakra bhandham
in the shape of the PaadhukA. Swami Desikan excels
again through his creative genius in creating this new
PaadhukA Bhandham. This Bhandham has an outer square
and a circle inside. Inside that circle are 8 petals
(KarNikais) of a lotus housing a circle inside that
area and inside that inner circle are the 2 SrI
RanganAtha Paadhukais with aksharams of the slOkam. In
the 10 fingers of the 2 legs are the 10 aksharams of
the slOkam, "Sarathi Raama PadhAvani Saa" are

1)UtthamUr Swami's anubhavam: The PaadhukAs have taken
refuge in Raamachandra of firm intellect, independence
and with fondness to reside in AyOdhyA. When the
PaadhukAs travel with Raamachandra, they generate a
loud and majestic Naadham, which enhances the joy of
all listeners.
2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: In this slOkam, Swami
Desikan wonders about the Paadhukais with soulabhya and
souseelya guNams taking their Lord with them, wherever
they travel. Those Paadhukais have under their control
the great hero and SarvEswaran, who is very fond of the
citizens of AyOdhyA. Those Padhukais generate a
majestic nAdham during their sanchAra Kaalam and
intimates to their anticipating aasrithAs about their
arrival and generates visEsha preethi and hope in them.
3) This Aryaa vruttha slOkam salutes the Lord of
Paadhukais 1st as the One, who is very fond of the
citizens of AyOdhyA (RaghupuravAsa rathy Raama). He is
of firm resolve (dheera:) and the Master (SarvEswaran)
of all sentients and insentients (Svaira charsTira) as
well as having the freedom to travel anywhere
(svairachara sTira:). When those Paadhukais of the Lord
travel carrying their Lord on its back, they generate a
unique and majestic nAdham linked to carrying the Lord,
who is under their influence (Raama savA padhAvani tAra
sphAratara svara rasa bara raa Saa).