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Dear Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha BhakthAs:
Today  , we will study  the Sixth Paasuram of Kaliyan on
AhObila Narasimhan :
yerintha paimkaNN ilangu pEzhvAi yeyiRRODu ithu yevvurvu yenRu
    irinthu vaanOr kalangi Oda  iruntha AmmAn idam
nerintha vEyin muDayuL ninRu neeNeRivAi uzhuvai
    tirintha vaanaic-chuvadu paarkkum SingavEL KUnRamE
The Scene at avathAra Kaalam is depicted here . Sri JwAlA Narasimhan's
appearance is described here as witnessed by the DevAs , who were some 
of the groups tormented by HiraNyan . Kaliyan identifies through his
arul Vakku , the avathAra Sthalam of  HiraNya SamhAra Moorthy
" VaanOr ithu yevvuruvu yenRu irinthu kalangiODa iruntha AmmAn
   Idam , SingavEL KunRamE " 
The celestials ( VaanOr) could not figure out what kind of form
is the Moortham ( ithu yevvuruvu ?) that jumped out of the Pillar in
HiraNyan' s sabhA . They wondered and after one more look got frightened
by the fierce appearance of the Moorthy with the deafening roar of a lion and with
the rapidly moving hair around the head (Pidari Mayir) . They were dismayed
and ran for fear for their lives ( Ithu yevvuruvu yenRu irinthu kalangi ODa ). 
This gigantic Moortham reaching up to the sky had red eyes spitting fire
in its huge face ( yerintha paimkaNN ilangu pEzh vAi )and adamantine ,
lustrous teeth in its mouth ( pEzh Vaai yeyiRRodu ithu yevvuruvu ? ) .  
An oft-quoted Srimad BhAgaavtha SlOkam describes this extraordinary
Moortham jumping out of the pillar in the assembly hall of HiraNyan 
this way :
sathyam vidhAthum nija bhruthya bhAshitham 
vyApthimcha bhUthEshvakhilEshu chAthmana:
adhruSyathAth adhbhutha roopam udhvahan
stambhE  sabhAyAm na mrugam na maanusham 
--- Srimad BhAgavatham: 7.8.18
Sriman NaarAyaNan , who pervades all chEtanams and achEtanams
at all times jumped out of the gem-studded pillar in the SabhA of
HiraNyan , when latter hit it with his palm . He appeared that way to 
show that His devotees' statement that the Lord is everywhere including
that pillar will not become false . He jumped out bearing a most wonderous
roopam , which was neither an animal nor a human . It was a Nara simham 
with lon's head and human body that incarnated and grew right in froint of 
the terrorized HiraNyan's eyes. Even the fearless heart of HiraNyan was
shaken to its roots. He could not comprehend as to how this Narasimham
was "hiding" in the pillar of his sabhA . He could not figure out that
the Lord , who has all the world in Himself was ready to appear before His 
dearest bhakthan  in a time of crisis at a moment's notice .Swamy Desikan
salutes this grace of Lord Narasimhan as : " ThrailOkyamEthath Narasimha
garbham " . Our Lord appeared with a dazzling white beard and firey red
eyes. His Moortham   grew and grew . In that blinding light , HiraNyan
could not determine  as to which direction the Lord was coming at him .
Sri NaarAyaNa Bhattadhiri salutes this adhbhutha roopam as :
" na  mrugAthmakam na manujAkAram tE vapu: " ( it was neither 
the body of an animal nor that of a human ) . It was a mighty miracle 
(adhbhutham) . It was frightening and made people wonder as to what
it was ( kim kim ithi bheeshaNam ) .HiraNyan's mind was agitated and
terror stricken ( vyudhbrAntha chitthE asurE ) . That form expanded 
( samAjrumbhaTA: ) with blinding white manes and terror creating head
full of lion's hair (   vispoorjadh dhavaLOgra rOma-vikasath varshmA) .
Sri Bhattadhiri goes on to describe the adhbhutha roopam of the Lord :
Taptha svarNa savarNam = it matched the color of the molten gold .
ghUrNath athirooksha aksham= with rapidly rotating , intimidating eyes
that do not miss even the minutest  
saDAkEsara prOthkambha pranikumBitha amBaram = with the sky
hidden by the gigantic and rapidly moving pidari mayir ( manes) .
vyAttha vyAptha mahA dhareeskhA mukham = with  a huge open 
mouth that looked like a deep cave in dimensions .
khaDgOgra valgath mahA jihvA = a huge rotating tongue with
the sharpness of a sword .
nirgama sumahA dhamshtrAyuga  uDDAram  = the protruding ,
huge cannine teeth becoming visible in that open mouth .
Sri Bhattadhiri ends this description with a prayer : " Tava vapu:
jeeyAth " ( May this adhubhutha sareeram of Yours be victorious) .
Third & the Fourth Lines of the Paasuram
At SingavEL KunRam , Kaliyan witnesses another sight , which
frightened travellers of his days to climb the hills of AhObilam :
nerintha vEyin mudayuL ninRu neeNeRi Vaayuzhavai
tirintha vaanaic-chuvadu paarkkum SingavEL KunRamE
At this dhivya dEsam of the Lord ( ammAn idam) , the tigers ( Uzhuvai
are hiding in dense bamboo bushes ( nerintha vEyin muzhayuL ninRu
tracking some thing of particualr interest to them that has passed by 
leaving their foot prints on the mountainous trails ( MuzhayuL ninRu neeL
neRivAi tirintha aanai suvadu paarkkum uzhavai) . These tigers are moving
stealthily from one dense bambhoo bush to the other to follow the footprints
of the elephants that have travelled earlier along the paths of the hills to attack
them for food . A pilgrim may stumble on these hungry tigers at 
the SellavoNa SingavEL KunRam and endanger themselves .
The inapproachability of these hills is described once more 
with all the lurking dangers from wild weather , forst fire and 
wild animals looming large there .    
Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V. Sadagopan      

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