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Oppiliappan List Archive: Message 00161 Sep 2004

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Cowardice is to be discouraged and bravery encouraged. It is said that cowards die a hundred times.
However, some great souls are great due to their fear. How is that? Having known that the Lord is the Greatest and nobody can do any harm to Him, they are afraid that any ill may occur to the Lord from the demons/rAkshasAs.
Who are they? Great devotees like sri vidhurar. He was so concerned about the welfare of the Lord that he inspected his own bed with the sole aimed at the welfare of Lord krshNA. piLLai vuRangA-villi dhAsar scouted around Lord nam-perumaL with a knife in his hands.
They do know that the Lord is omni-potent. Their overwhelming concern and anxiety and affection towards the Lord instill a fear psychosis in them that they take extra precautions. Hence, they are great souls-mahA-madhigaL.
When the Lord entered amidst the demons, this fear emerged.
This is explained in the first pAsuram of the sixth thiru-mozhi in the second ten.
"naNNAdha vAL avuNar idaip-pukku...."
The Lord who helped even those who did not want Him but desired for the 'amudham'.
Salt Essence:
This amudham when comared to Him is only salt essence. That is why our pUrvAchAryAs alwyas term this as 'vuppuch sARu' . The Lord is so flexible and philanthrophic. He grants the desire to the devotees who do not want Him.
Persons who do not think of such a great Lord , do not desreve to be thought at all-even for an instance.
Thus thirumangai mannan starts this thiru-mozhi with proscription- do not even think of those who do not think of the Lord-The Lord whose welfare should be uppermost-The Lord who lowers Himself for us-The Lord who helps even for those who desire things other than Him-great philanthrophist.
vanamamalai padmanabhan

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