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Sri Venkateswara Ashtotthram 

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102) Mukundaya SrI VenkatEsaaya nama:
Salutations to Sri VenkatEsa, who confers Moksha on those who seek it ardently
While Srinivasa blesses us with all the mundane favours that we seek from Him, it is for granting the ultimate of all favours, viz., Liberation from this Samsara, that He is renowned.
In fact, it is only He who is capable of emancipating us;  other deities, however powerful they are touted to be, being totally  impotent in this respect. If it is Moksham that you want, it is to Sri VenkatEsa you have to seek it from, says the Scripture--MOksha Daayaka Mukundhan .
He not only blesses us with liberation, but also shows us the way therefor, by pointing to His tiruvadi and telling us that one who seeks refuge in them would automatically be free of the mundane shackles.
The sort of Moksham or LIberation that the Lord confers is not only freedom from the travails of Samsaara, but includes immeasurable bliss equal to that He Himself enjoys in His eternal abode.Incorporating all this, the Sahasranama Nirukti
sloka points out :
"tai: praartthita: svayam muktim Mukunda: syaat dadaati ya:"
It is a testimony to the Lord's generosity that He not only frees us from our crippling mortals coils, but also blesses us with Aanandam which is unlimited.
The glory of this Emperuman is chronicled in Sri Kulasekhara Azhwar's "Mukunda Maalaa", an unwilting garland of verses to the provider of this ultimate benefit.

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