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Ramanuja List Archive: Message 00120 Apr 2002

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Thanks for the great summary of Madhurakavi Alvar's message.
May I suggest one modification -- it is not just that we must
show absolute faith and dedication in a random acharya, but that
faith and dedication in an acharya who is a BRAHMA-NISTHA 
can be even sweeter than faith in Bhagavaan. Such a brahma-nishtha
(established in the anubhava of Parabrahman Sriman Narayana) was
Nammalvar, and Madurakavigal found him sweeter than Kannabiraan.
The reason is obvious -- if the acharya in your presence is 
a brahma-nishtha, he is WITH the Parabrahman, but at the same
time is with you. So you can experience the Parabrahman directly
through the presence of such an acharya (kariya-kOla thiru-uru
kANban nAn).

May we all be graced with acharyas who are brahma-nisthas!

aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

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