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SrImatE yathirAjAya nama:

Dear SowbAgyavathi Kalaivani,

namO nArAyaNa!

Thanks for an excellent poem that glorifies the
Supreme Goddess "SrImati Rukmini pirAtti"!

Here is a free translation of a part of an article on
the glories of Her written by HH SrImad Azhagiya
Singar himself. Unfortunately due to adIyEn's poor
English skills (and also due to the poverty of the
English language itself), the richness of SrImad
Azhagiya Singar's writings are not preserved; but
aDiyEn tried to preserve the theme of the message.

" EmperumAn has plethora of sweet quAlities (kalyAna
gunAs). The purpose of the existance of the vEdAs is
to glorify these great qualities. These vEdas are very
many. In fact, the pramAnAs (the vEdic literatures
that shows us the truth) say that there are
innumarable vEdas!

" All these varieties of vEdAs, which are innumerable
in number, together are unable to praise the qualities
of our Lord! When this is so, who can completely
narrate all the glories of the sweet, auspicious
qualities of our pirAtti??!!! Verily, pirAtti is
greater than our Lord Himself!! Her glories even
excell the glories of the Lord!!!

" ThAyE SrI, who is of such Supreme glories! In what
way can we hail You, the Universal mother? Number one
fools we are, how, and with what (by saying what) can
we glorify You (all Your qualities)? (ie When the
vEdAs themselves are bereft of words and ways to
glorify You, how can we glorify you?)"

Thus swAmi AlavandAr explains the exaltedness
(Supremacy) of pirAtti.

( Taken from "Srimad Azhagiya Singar's Arul mozhigaL"
series from SrI nrusimha-priyA of the month, June 2001

aDiyEn is wondering, when swAmi AlavandAr himself
accepts his inability to praise all the glories of
SrI, the Soverign Princess of the Universe, how
foolish would aDiyEn be to attempt to write a small
mail to talk about Her qualities with aDiyEn's puny
brain? :-) 

Please read the SrI Stuti (by swAmi dEsikar) articles
by Sriman Muralidhar RangaswAmy swAmin in the arcives
of bhakthi list

Just a sample of it...

SrI Stuti - 6

6. Uddeshyatvam Janani BhujatOrujjatOpADhigandham 
PratyagrUpE HavisHi YuvayOrEkashEsHitvayOgAth I
PadmE Patyustva cha NigamaIrnityamanvishyamANO 
NAvacchEdam Bhajati MahimA Nartayan MAnasam Na: II

Oh Mother! Realizing you both only is our objective.
The goal of SharaNagati is also to realize you both
only. This objective (i.e., attaining the Divine
Couple) comes about naturally and is not forced. Oh
PadmAvati! You and your Lord VishNu are constantly 
glorified by the Vedas. The glory (of your eternal
relationship with Lord VishNu), which makes our mind
blossom (with your thoughts) knows no bounds. 

The purpose of this salutation is to establish the
elevated status of the oneness of Lord Narayana and
Sri for a person engaged in SharaNagati to the Divine
Couple. They are like two eyes for a Prapanna. 
A Prapanna cannot imagine one without the other. In
turn, the Divine couple together bless the Prapanna
with constant protection. 

When you get a chance, please visit thiru-alli-kEni
divya dEsam to see the breathtakingly beautiful SrI
rukmini pirAtti!

SrI rukminI ThAyAr samEthA srI VEnkata krishna
parabrahmanE namah

namO nArAyaNa!

LakshmikumAr rAmAnuja dAsan
SrImad Azhagiya Singar thiruvadigalE saranam! 

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