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SriRangaSri List Archive: Message 00182 Feb 2003

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Priya Bhagawatas,
Srimathay Ramanujayanamaha !
Srimathay Narayanayanamaha !
Regarding the reference to "Chaaturvarnam Mayaa srushtam........." from
Srimadbhagawadgita, our revered Acharya
Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swamii
clarifies basically as Deva (Agni, ... Indra....Brahma.....etc),
Manushya(Human beings), Tiryak(animals, insects etc) and
Sthaavaram(immobile things like trees, mountains, etc). Out of all the
varnams Manushya is supposed to be the junction point from which one
goes to any of the other three varnams in the next birth, based on his
deeds in this birth and the status of mind at the time of exit or can
even get out of these chaaturvarnam if does saranagati to Lord
Srimannarayana through his Acharya lineup.

As far as Srivaishnava philosophy of Sri Bhagawad Ramanuja and the
acharya lineup the only caste(kulam) one needs to adopt is
prapannakulam and the religion (matham or school of thought) one should
adopt is BhagawadRamanuja matham irrespective of his birth
(kulam/matham) to steer clear of one's cycle of births and deaths.
But as far as the eligibility to perform vedic rituals, one needs to be
born in eligible Brahmin family for quick adherence to do's and don'ts
necessary to perform the same. Similarly other professions like
carpentry, pottery, goldsmithy etc one can adapt faster if born in that
family rather than an outsider. Though it is not wrong in changing
profession but it takes more time(if not impossible) to get proficiency
in alien trades. Similarly our acharyas say that people from one
profession need not discard their own profession but can learn the
techniques of the other profession.. Our system also is built
accordingly since ages. But all professions/trades have their own
importance and nothing is inferior to another as all are required for
the benefit of humankind and nature.

Thus though people are born in various kulams/mathams everybody can
adhere to one's own trade as far as physical karmas/actions are
concerned but for eternal bliss everybody should finally adapt to
prapannakulam and Bhagawadramanuja matham by dedicating all his actions
to Lord Sri Krishna as demanded/commanded/advised/requested by Him in
"Yatkarosi yadasnasi yajjuhosi dadasiyat
yattapasyasi kownteya tatkurushva madarpanam" (9-27)

"Whatever thou doest, whatever thou eatest, whatever thou sacrificest,
whatever thou give in whatever austerity thou engagest, do it as an
offering to Me. Whatever thou doest of thy own accord (i.e not enjoined
in the sastra) and whatever thou offerest in sacrifice as enjoined in
the sruti or the smriti, whatever thou givest such things as gold to the
brahmanas .and others,do all that as an offering to Me. Now listen as
to what will accrue to you doing thus:
Thus shalt thou be liberated from the bonds of actions which are
productive of good and evil results; equipped in mind with the Yoga of
renunciation, and liberated, thou shalt come to Me." (courtesy
Multimedia book on Srimadbhagawadgita, ISRA)


Dr.Kilambi Ramakrishna Ramanuja Dasan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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