Chinese Imperial Calendar
Calendar Standard of the Great Empire of China

大中华帝国国师不甚了了真人毕业于天文系,作为专业天文工作者在 中国科学院所属天文机构混过几天饭,多少算个半吊子“星相师”。 从专业的角度,国师非常不欣赏目前中国使用的从西方完全照搬过来的 所谓“公历”历法体系--也即“格雷高利历”。这个“格氏历” 完全不精确,既陈旧又混乱,更不规范,并与中华民族文明传统格格不 入。有鉴于此,国师为新的大中华帝国创立发展了这个全新的历法 系统“中华帝国历”。“帝国历”是迄今为止世界上最先进、最方便、 而且最为精确的民用太阳历历法。它的使用仅在于取代现有的“公历” 系统,并不意味着取代中国目前并用的传统“农历”(或称“夏历”), 而是作为这个传统的太阴历的补充而并存。事实上,“中华帝国历” 正是继承发扬了传统农历中的民族特色和基本阳历要素,在“格雷高 利历”的基础上加以改进完善而创制。 Grand Master Xiaoyu Li is a well-trained "astrologist" himself. He dislikes very much the stupid, odd, messy, old, inaccurate calendar system now adopted by China from the western countries -- the Gregorian Calendar. So in his vision of a new Great Empire of China, he has invented and innovated a brand-new calendar system "Chinese Imperial Calendar" to be used by the Empire. The "Chinese Imperial Calendar" is the most advanced and most convenient and yet most accurate civil solar calendar system ever existed in the world. It does not mean to replace the Chinese Lunar Calendar, but to act as a substitute for the solar Gregorian Calendar and supplement to the traditional Chinese Lunar Calendar. In fact, Chinese Imperial Calendar has incorporated the basic solar calendar element of the Chinese Lunar Calendar and made quite some improvement based on the Gregorian Calendar.
到目前为止,“大中华帝国”完全采用“中华帝国历”作为历法计时 标准。若您想了解有关本历法的具体规定,请洽如下“中华帝国历”的定则。 The Great Empire of China adopts "Chinese Imperial Calendar" as its official calendar standard to record time and date. To read more detailed definition of the "Chinese Imperial Calendar", please go on reading more details below.
附带说一句,国师欢迎全世界任何政府和个人采用“中华帝国历” 作为他们的历法标准。该历法的发明创制的最终目的,就是替代 现行的“格雷高利历”成为一个国际民用历法标准。 By the way, any governments or individuals are welcome to adopt the "Chinese Imperial Calendar" as their standard to record time and date. It was invented and intended to eventually replace the Gregorian Calendar as an international standard of civil calendar system.


o  ⒈ 名称:中华帝国历。以“帝元”为年号纪年,拉丁文缩写为“DH” ,意为“始皇帝之后”(简称“帝后”DìHoù)。帝元元年(DH 1) 以前的年代则记为“帝元前”,拉丁文缩写为“DQ”,意为“始皇帝之前” (简称“帝前”DìQián)。

o  ⒉ 历元:中华帝国历以公元前221年(BC 221)秦始皇横扫六 合、一统华夏,建立有史以来中华大地上第一个强大统一的封建王国所在年份 为历元起点--帝元元年(DH 1)。年号自此连续累计,不作甲子式循环 。

o  ⒊ 岁首:中华帝国历以定气春分点(太阳黄经零度,L⊙=0°)所在 之日为元旦(1月1日)。在约四十五万年的尺度内,中华帝国历的规则将自 动保持每年元旦永远是在春分日。每约四十五万年中所积累的一日误差,届时 由历法机构核准调整,以保持中华帝国历固定以定气春分日为岁首。

o  ⒋ 年月长度:中华帝国历每一年由固定十二个月,外加五个固定节日和 一个浮动节日组成。每一月以固定三十日组成,不设月大或月小。

o  ⒌ 节日:中华帝国历设立五个固定节日和一个浮动节日。五个固定节日 分别加设在每年的2月30日、4月30日、6月30日、8月30日、10 月30日之后。分别称作:盘古节、女娲节、黄帝节、炎帝节、始皇节。浮动 节日仅在闰年设置,加设在12月30日之后,称作:闰年节。所有的节日( 固定节日和浮动节日)均不算在月份之内,但是,为了记录的方便和计算的简 捷,可分别记为2月31日(盘古节)、4月31日(女娲节)、6月31日 (黄帝节)、8月31日(炎帝节)、10月31日(始皇节)、12月31 日(闰年节)。

o  ⒍ 置闰:中华帝国历凡纪年年数能被4整除者,则为闰年;若同时年数 还能被100整除,则不置闰;若这时年数尚能被400整除,仍然为闰年; 若年数还能被3200整除,仍不置闰年。

o  ⒎ 星期:凡五日为一星期,以五大行星命名,按五行相生的顺序排列, 分别称作:金星日、水星日、木星日、火星日、土星日。所有的节日--五个 固定节日及一个浮动节日(盘古节、女娲节、黄帝节、炎帝节、始皇节、闰年 节),均不计在星期之内。以当月一日为金星日,顺序循环。按此规则,每月 一日将自动恒为金星日。

Fundamental Definitions and Rules of the Chinese Imperial Calendar

o 1. NAME: Chinese Imperial Calendar. Denoted in abbreviation as "D.H." ("Di Hou" in Chinese PinYin, meaning "After the First Emperor"). For date before D.H. 1, it is recorded as "D.Q." ("Di Qian" in Chinese PinYin, meaning "Before the First Emperor").

o 2. EPOCH: Chinese Imperial Calendar defines its first year (D.H. 1) as the year when the First Empiror Qin Shi Huang established the first in the history a united, strong empire in China (it is the year of B.C. 221 in Gregorian Calendar). Year number counts continuously after that epoch.

o 3. YEAR BEGINNING: Chinese Imperial Calendar's New Year begins on the Vernal Equinox Day (the day when the longitude of the Sun equals to zero degree). During the period of about 450,000 years, the rules of the Chinese Imperial Calendar will automatically ensure its New Year Day to be exactly on the Vernal Equinox Day. The accumulated error of about 1 day after 450,000 years may be adjusted as Leap Year Day, subject to the determination by the Calendar Authority.

o 4. LENGTH OF YEAR AND MONTH: Chinese Imperial Calendar's Year consists of 12 months with each month containing exactly 30 days, plus 5 Fixed Festivals and 1 Floating Festival.

o 5. FESTIVALS: There are 5 Fixed Festivals in each years and 1 additional Floating Festival in a leap year. Each of the 5 Fixed Festivals are placed after the 30th day of the 2rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th month respectively. They are named as "Pan Gu Day", "Nu Wa Day", "Huang Di Day", "Yan Di Day" and "Shi Huang Day" respectively. The Floating Festival is only added after the last day of the leap year (12/30). It is named as "Leap Year Day". All the Festivals are not counted into the days in a month. But for the simplification of recording, the Festivals may be denoted as "2/31" for Pan Gu Day, "4/31" for Nu Wa Day, "6/31 for Huang Di Day, "8/31 for Yan Di Day, "10/31 for Shi Huang Day, and "12/31 for Leap Year Day.

o 6. LEAP YEAR RULES: It is a leap year, when the year number of the Chinese Imperial Calendar is divisable by 4 but not by 100. However, it is still a leap year for the centurial year if and only if the year number is divisiable by 400 but not divisible by 3200.

o 7. WEEK: A week consists of 5 days. According to basic sequence of the 5 fundamental elements, they are named as Gold Star Day, Water Star Day, Wood Star Day, Fire Star Day and Soil Star Day. Weeks are cycled one after another on this basis of 5 days. All the Festivals are not counted into weeks either. The first day of a month is Gold Star Day and it is always the Gold Star Day automatically.

A Comparison Chronicle of Historical Events
中 华 帝 国 历 大 事 年 表


Chinese Imperial Calendar
Gregorian Calendar
Major Historical Events
D.H. 1
B.C. 221
Emperor Qin Shi Huang established the first Chinese empire
D.H. 839
A.D. 618
Beginning of King Li Shimin's Tang Dynasty
D.H. 2061
A.D. 1840
China was defeated in the Opium War
D.H. 2170
A.D. 1949
Founding of the People's Republic of China by Mao Zedong
D.H. 2214
A.D. 1993
First draft of the Chinese Imperial Calendar by Xiaoyu Li
D.H. 2221
A.D. 2000
Julian Calendar's 2000 anniversary

鸣   谢

“中华帝国历”的发明,最初的灵感来自几年前在因特网的中文 “牛屎铺” 上的有关阴历与阳历的讨论。不少的网客,(无论有没有天文学专业背景知识), 在国师的第一版“帝国历”出笼以后,都给予了许多非常有价值的建议和意见, 得以使“中华帝国历”在后来的几年的修订中改进得更为完善。大中华 帝国国师在此谨向他们的贡献和热忱,致以衷心的谢意。如果您有什么宝贵的 意见,或者想知道更具体的实施细节,欢迎您按如下电函地址与国师联系。 The invention of this calendar was inspired by a discussion on Usenet newsgroup "alt.chinese.text" some years ago. Many netters with or without astronomy background have made contribution from their invaluable comments and suggestion, which have led to important improvement and revisions. Grand Master Xiaoyu Li is very grateful for their enthusiasm and would also appreciate very much your precious opinions on the calendar. Please contact him at the following email address for comments or implementation details.

Email: ulysses@Stanford.EDU