Dreamland Painting
by Maxfield Parrish




麦克斯菲尔德·帕里什一直是国师最为钟爱的画家之一。 他在美国也无不是一位家喻户晓的人物,当年帕里什以一 幅名为《晨曦》的画一炮走红,几百万份《晨曦》的复制 招帖画顿时一抢而空。《晨曦》表现的一个仙境中的清晨 ,金黄的阳光轻洒湖边挂满鲜花的殿堂和对岸远山,一个 漂亮的女孩慵懒地躺在地上,微笑着望着站立着的唤醒他的 全裸少年。如此梦幻之境令人神往,难怪当年大受全体国 民青睐。其后,帕里什还创作了不少的广告画、招贴画, 不少都是以女孩儿们(他常以女儿的她的小伙伴儿作模特 儿)和仙境般的山川、宫殿作背景,非常受欢迎。他后来 也为波斯古典小说《一千零一夜》的英译本制作风格类似 的插图。现在在左边所存列的另两幅分别题为《真主的花园》 和《陶醉》,从这里您可以大致对他的画风略见一斑。 幸运的是,帕里什的绝大部分作品(包括他的庄园)现在 已被一个名叫 爱尔玛·吉尔伯特的女收藏家所收藏。

国师本人非常喜好幻想型的绘画作品,他总的说来不喜欢那 些太现实或太过真实的艺术。在他看来,艺术应该是一种能 够极大地延伸扩展人类想象力的一种表现形式,应该更多地 去探索、表现那些并不存于世界上而仅存在于人类大脑与心 灵之中的景象、画面、色彩、与情感。这无不是国师喜欢帕 里什作品的一个很主要的原因,帕里什的画无不极大地唤醒 了人类心灵深处对这些仙山琼阁般的梦幻风境、人物、色彩 的向望。何况,国师自己常常作一些非常奇特的彩色梦,神 游过无数与帕里什的画类似的梦幻之境,常叹自己无丹青妙 手,不能将游历过的地方从梦中带出来,因而不免以帕里什 的画权作慰藉,也算是与帕里什作品有些灵犀相通意思吧


Paintings by Maxfield Parrish have been one of the favorites of the Grand Master. Maxfield Parrish is quite a well-known painter in America. The most famous one of his works is the one called "Daybreak". Millions of copies were sold when it was published for the first time earlier this century. He also did the illustrations for the English translation of the Persian classics "Arabian Nights". Here exhibited on the left were also other two popular ones, entitled as "The Garden of Allah" and "Ecstacy" respectively. They should be enough to give you a taste of his works. Luckily, most works of his (including his estate) are now being collected by Alma Gilbert.

The Grand Master is just very fond of fantasy paintings. He generally does not like art that is too realistic. In his opinion, art should be a form that stretches out full human imagination. It should express images, colors and ideas that do not exit in the world but live in the human mind. This is actually the very reason he loves paintings of Maxfield Parrish. In Parrish's paintings, you could see beautiful paradise-like fantasy landscapes, surroundings, figures and colors that does not exit in the real world at all.

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