The Ultimate Walking Group's Home Page

A group of us at UNC have started a walking group that meets at 11:40 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in front of Bowman-Gray Pool by Woollen Gym and hikes around Chapel Hill. We are serious walkers and try to cover 3 to 4 miles in about 1 hour and usually trample through the woods on different trails. We have a lot of fun and are slowly getting in shape. Anyone is welcome to join us and have a good time walking and exercising. Send me E-mail or call if you need any additional information

The picture to the left, is two members of the group on a hike, Sankey, and Mike showing good hiking form

Here are three of the members of the group, on the left is Mike Crane with Sankey behind him and on the right is Ernie Patterson
Here is Judy Lewter a member of the Group.

Here is Mike Crane a member of the Group
Here is Sankey Blanton a member of the Group
Also, I am planning to take some girl scouts and boy scouts on several 3 day weekend hikes in the fall. If you are interested and liking working with scouts give me a call.

Ernie Patterson
Biology Department
230 Wilson Hall CB#3280
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3280
Voice: (919)-962-2136
FAX: (919)-962-1625

This is a scene of me hiking the AT trail near Laurel Falls in early July about 3 miles before you get to Laurel Falls, while I was on a 100 mile hike.

Pointers to interesting sites

UNC Home Page
Appalachian Trail Home Page
Navagation Home Page
Ernie Patterson's Personal Home Page