Mail Kevin Atkinson

You are about to send mail to me, Kevin Atkinson at

I more than welcome comments and love feedback, however my time is too valuable to waste answering question on why the "Goto Group" button doesn't work. The most likely reason is that you don't have a news server set up!. To set up a news server check the docs for your browser. If you still can't figure it out check any FAQ's that might have the answer. It could also mean that your news server doesn't offer that group.

There is a list of public news servers out there but I do not know where it is; please do not ask me as I will no longer reply to this question. Check out the "How to Receive Banned Newsgroups FAQ" for some light on this subject.

Also, if you clicked on the "Search Usenet News (DejaNews - not my creation) " link. You left the Usenet Info Center and went to DejaNews, a service that I am not in charge of. So sending me comments or questions about it is pointless.

I understand and wish to send mail to you

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