Almost immediately after the WebSpace release announcement, Silicon Graphics announced it's SurfZone project. Described as the "only club on the planet where you'll experience web navigation in 3D," the Surf Zone is promised to be an interactive gallery for the exhibit of the creme de la creme of VRML worlds. Many of the models currently exhibited by SGI were designed by Lightscape Technologies. Lightscape also has a few models freely available for downloading on their own site.
Future of VRML
The Main VRML Forum now has a VRML Architecture Group page devoted to the future of VRML. Some of the White Papers offered from the Group are:
Brian Blau's
"VRML 1.x and Beyond - Proposal Mania"
Jan Hardenbergh's
"The VRML of Babel" white paper.
William Martens'
"Audio in VRML" white paper.
Tom Meyer's
"Adding Behavior to VRML" white paper.
"Behaviors API" and
"URNs and VRML" white papers.
Tony Parisi's
"VRML 1.1 Proposal" white paper.
Mark Pesce's
"Scale" white paper.
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