Elias Heifetz, Pogrom geshikhte (1919-1920): di Ukrainishe shhite in 1919 (New York: Edyukeyshonal komite fun Arbeter ring, 1921, 285 p.) Peter Kenez, Pogroms and white ideology in the Russian civil war, in Pogroms: anti-Jewish violence in modern Russian history (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 393 p.) Franciszek Salezy Krysiak, Z dni grozy we Lwowie, od 1-22 listopada 1918 r.: kartki z pamietnika; swiadectwa-dowody-dokumenty; pogrom zydowski we Lwowie w swietle prawdy (Krakow: G. Gebethner, 1919, 142 p.) Elias Heifetz, The slaughter of the Jews in the Ukraine in 1919 (New York: Seltzer, 1921, 408 p.) Nahum Stiff, Pogromen in Ukraine di tsayt fun der frayviliger armey (Berlin: Vostok, 1923, 111 p.) Joseph Schechtman, Ver iz farantvortlikh far di pogromen in Ukrayne loyt naye nit farefntlikhte materyaln un dokumentn (Pariz, 1927, 155 p.) I. Cherikover, Antisemitizm un pogromen in Ukraine, 1917-1918: tsu der geshikhte fun Ukrainish-Yidishe batsihungen (Berlin: Mizreh-Yidishn historishn arkhiv, 1923, 330 p.) Bernard Lecache, Ven dos folk Yisroel shtarbt (Varshe: S. Goldfarb, 1927, 249 p.) Isaac Unterman, Fun di shhite-shtedt, 1919-1922: ayndrike, bilder, fakten un materyalen (Jersey City, NJ: Hodson Idishe nayes, 1925, 160 p.) Salomon Goldelman, In goles bay di Ukrainer: brif fun a Idishn sotsyaldemokrat (Vin: Hamon, 1921, 143 p.) S. I. Gusev-Orenburgskii, Kniga o evreiskikh pogromakh na Ukraine v 1919 g. Sostavlena po ofitsialnym dokumentam, dokladam s mest i oprosam postradavshikh (Petrograd: Z.I. Grzhebin, 1921, 160 p.) The Jewish pogroms in Ukraine. Authoritative statements on the question of responsibility for recent outbreaks against the Jews in Ukraine (Washington, 1919, 24 p.) The Ukraine terror and the Jewish peril (London: Federation of Ukrainian Jews, 1921, 16 p.) Evidence of pogroms in Poland and Ukrania: documents, accounts of eye-witnesses, proceedings in Polish Parliament, local press reports, etc (New York, 1919, 190 p.) Joseph Tenenbaum, Der Lemberger Judenpogrom (November 1918-Janner 1919) (Wien-Brunn: M. Hickl, 1920, 167 p.) Eliezer David Rosenthal, Megilat ha-tevah: homer le-divre yeme ha-peraot veha-tevah ba-Yehudim be-Ukrainah, be-Rusyah ha-gedolah uve-Rusyah ha-Levanah (Yerushalayim: Havurah, 1926) Joseph Schechtman, Pogromy Dobrovolcheskoi armii na Ukraine (k istorii antisemitizma na Ukraine v 1919-1920 gg.) (Berlin: Ostjudisches Historiches Archiv, 1932, 385 p.) Rachel Feigenberg, A pinkes fun a toyter shtot: hurbn-Dubove (Varshe: Ahisefer, 1926, 148 p.) Elijah Gumener, A kapitl Ukraine : tsvey yor in Podolye (Vilne: Sh. Shreberk, 1921, 168 p.) Max Sadikoff, In yene teg: zikhroynes vegen der Rusisher revolutsye un di Ukrainer pogromen (Nyu York, 1926, 78 p.) S. I. Gusev-Orenburgskii, "Bagrovaia kniga" ; pogromy 1919-2- gg. na Ukrainie (Kharbin : Izd-vo Dal'nevostochnago Evreiskago Obshchestvennago Komiteta Pomoshchi Sirotam-Zhertvam Pogromov "Dekopo", 1922, 252 p.) Z. S. Ostrovskii, Evreiskie pogromi : 1918-1921 (Moskva: Shkola i kniga, 1926, 134 p.) The pogroms in the Ukraine under the Ukrainian governments (1917-1920) : historical survey with documents and photographs (London: J. Bale & Danielsson, 1927, 286 p.) David Matis, Denikin un der "Forverts" : faktn un dokumentn (New York: "Morgn-Frayhayt" Asosieyshon, 1946, 14 p.) Yury Finkelstein, Za dela ruk svoikh: zagadka Simona Petliury, ili paradoks antisemitizma (New-York: Slovo-Word, 1995, 185 p.)
© Iosif Vaisman
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