XML Examples

XML Overview
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
    <organization>Rutgers University</organization>
<email>ghall1929@aol.com</email> </creator> <maintainer> <firstName>Andre</firstName> <surname>Burton</surname> <organization>ibiblio.org</organization> <email>burta@unc.edu</email> </maintainer> </person> <title>Louisiana Slave Database</title> <date>2000-03-05</date> <description> Poring through documents from all over Louisiana, as well as archives in France, Spain and Texas, Dr. Hall designed and created a database into which she recorded and calculated the information she obtained from these documents about African slave names, genders, ages, occupations, illnesses, family relationships, ethnicity, places of origin, prices paid by slave owners, and slaves' testimony and emancipations. </description> <identifier url="http://ibiblio.org/laslave" /> <keyword>slavery</keyword> <keyword>genealogy</keyword> <language name="English" code="EN" /> <format>text</format> <format>dBase</format> <relation>http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilissdsa/ </relation> </resource> </omf>


 <title>Movie Starz Movies</title>
 <dt>Electric Ladyland
 <dd>by Jimi Hendrix
vs XML
 <title>Electric Ladyland</title>
 <composer>Jimi Hendrix</composer>
 <producer>Jimi Hendrix</producer>


Hello World!
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<greeting> <message>Hello World</message> </greeting>


<dc:format></dc:format> (colon reserved for namespaces)
Non-matching tags

Empty tags
<hr />
<img src="blank.gif" />
<language name="english" />

Proper nesting
Improper nesting
Use entity references
&amp; for &
&lt; for <
&gt; for >
&quot; for "
&apos for '
Document Type Declaration
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
One root element
<title>Electric Ladyland</title>