The Caller's Box

a contra dance database

produced by Chris Page and Michael Dyck

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Dance search

database updated: 2024-12-29

site-code updated: 2024-11-11

Looking for dances that satisfy the following criteria:

Author contains 'diane silver'

Of 15758 dances in the db, your query matches 40.

= we have permission to show the dance's figures
= we have a link to a source for the dance's figures
= we have one or more links to videos of the dance

334 Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
All in Good Time Diane Silver Circle Mixer
Basket Mixer Diane Silver Scatter Mixer
Big Mountain Contra Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Contra Corners Triplet #1 Diane Silver Triplet
Contra Corners Triplet #1 {alternate} Diane Silver Triplet
Contra Corners Triplet #2 Diane Silver Triplet
Contra Corners Triplet #3 Diane Silver Triplet
Cool and Cozy 1 Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Cool and Cozy 2 Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Easy Peasy Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Easy Peasy {alternate} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Fast Hands Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Feel the Force Diane Silver Circle Mixer
Flirty Turkey Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Fruit Punch Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Fruit Punch {advanced version} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
H.L. Hunley Submarine Dance Diane Silver Four Facing Four
Harmony Found Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Harmony Found {variation} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Heartland Hey Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Heartland Hey {alternate} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
A Hey in Need Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
High Seas Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Ice House Diane Silver Duple Minor - Progressed improper
Joy in Jonesborough Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Joy in Jonesborough {alternate} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Jubilant Solstice Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Jubilant Solstice {alternate} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Manual Transmission Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
New Age Petronella Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Pigtown Perturbed Diane Silver Duple Minor - Becket
Pretty Good Friday Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Roll Away Ring Diane Silver Circle Mixer
Roll Away Ring {ONS version} Diane Silver Circle Mixer
Roller Derby Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Simple Contra for Kids (at heart) Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Simple Contra for Kids (at heart) {alternate} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Swing Craze Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper
Swing Craze {alternate} Diane Silver Duple Minor - Improper

Try another query:

Title contains:
Author contains:
Figures match:
(Initially, we recommend using only one word per figure.)
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

but figures do not match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

search by phrase
first phrase (usually A1) figures match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

but do not match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

second phrase (usually A2) figures match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

but do not match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

third phrase (usually B1) figures match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

but do not match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

fourth phrase (usually B2) figures match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order

but do not match:
any of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in any order
all of these lines, in the given order