This is dance #10465 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Goody Two Shoes

by Micah Smukler

Permission: full

FormationBase: Duple Minor - Becket
Progression: Double
Direction: CCW



(8) In long lines, go forward and back

(4) Women allemande left 1 & 1/4; form long wave

(4) Women balance long wave in center


(4) Women slide right (past W); face next; form diamond

(4) Balance diamond [with N2, shadow]

(4) Petronella turn; men form long wave in center (left hand to N1 men)

(4) Men balance long wave in center


(4) Men slide right (past M); form diamond with partner

(4) Balance diamond [with N3, partner]

(4) Petronella turn

(4) Women allemande left 3/4


(4) Partner balance

(12) Partner swing

Calling Notes:

Shadow is next to you in line at start of A1.
Appearances: website Micah Smukler
CDSS News, no 204, p 17
2004 RPDLW syllabus, p 44
Videos: 1 2