This is dance #10686 in The Caller's Box, a contra dance database.

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Richfield Stomp

by Becky Hill

Permission: full

FormationBase: Four Facing Four
FormationDetail: Improper
Progression: Single. Swap sides



(8) In lines of four, go forward and back while partner roll away (W roll L, M side-step R)

(8) Opposite neighbor do-si-do


(1-4) [Ends] Opposite neighbor balance

(5-16) [Ends] Opposite neighbor swing

(1-16) [Center four] Interrupted square through 4:

(4) Opposite neighbor balance (RH)

(4) Square through 2 (OR;TBL)

(4) Opposite neighbor balance (RH)

(4) Square through 2 (OR;TBL)


(4) Partner balance (RH)

(4) Partner box the gnat

(8) Grand right and left (PR;C3L;C2R;C1L)


(8) Partner gypsy right

(8) Partner swing; face N2

Appearances: The RosenHill Collection, p 33
website Goodyear programs
Videos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
B2: Balance and swing
1 2 3