Kentucky bluegrass preacher man

Harold Austin

Label:Atteiram AP I 1519
Release Date:1988
Country:United States
Barcode:054262151956 15205158

Song Information:

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A-1. Life's railway to Heaven2:41
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
A-2. A beautiful life2:14
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
A-3. Will the circle be unbroken2:34
Composer:Homer A. Rudehaven
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
A-4. I saw the light2:30
Composer:Hank Williams
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
A-5. Mother's last words2:40
Composer:Harold Austin
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
A-6. Mighty close to Heaven2:15
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
B-1. Heaven will be worth it all2:55
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
B-2. Old country preacher2:24
Composer:Carl Story
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
B-3. Glory-bound train1:40
Composer:Roy Acuff
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
B-4. The little white church2:20
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
B-5. Voice of my Savior2:08
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V
B-6. Are you washed in the blood2:40
Instruments:Harold Austin-g; Carl Story-g; Gordon Reed-bj; Red Rector-m; Randall Collins-f; Mitchell Mote-bs; Jimmy Ross-db
Vocals:Harold Austin-V