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References Quoted

Key to Citations

1. Gold Hill Colony. References consulted are as follows:

2. Alameda Colony.

3. The Bear Flag Rebellion.

4. U.S. Industrial Commission. Reports. Vol. XV. GPO. Washington, D.C. 1901. pp. 754-755.

5. Carey McWilliams. Prejudice--Japanese-Americans: Symbol of Racial Intolerance. Little, Brown and Company. Boston. 1944.

6. U.S. Immigration Commission. Reports. Volumes XXIII, XXIV, XXV. GPO. Washington, D.C. 1910.

7. John S. Chambers. "The Japanese Invasion," in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. January 1921. pp. 25-29.

8. Sidney L. Gulick. Japanese in California; A Critical Examination of (1) Report of the California State Board of Control; (2) Letter by Governor Stephens to Secretary Colby; (3) "Hearings in California by the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization," in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. January 1921. pp. 55-69.

9. State Board of Control of California. Report to Governor William D. Stephens. California and the Oriental. Sacramento. June 19, 1920.

10. Kiyo Sue Inui. "California's Japanese Situation," in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. January 1921. p. 100.

11. Quoted in: K. K. Kawakami. "Tne Japanese Question," in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. January 1921. p. 85.

12. War Relocation Authority. Myths and Facts about the Japanese Americans. Washington, D.C. June 1945. pp. 26-27.

13. House of Representatives. Select Committee Investigating National Defense Migration. Hearings, Part 29, Problems of Evacuation of Enemy Aliens and Others from Prohibited Military Zones. GPO. 1942. Also, Findings and Recommendations on Evacuation of Enemy Aliens and Others from Prohibited Military Zones. Fourth Interim Report. GPO. Washington, D.C. May 1942.

14. U.S. Reports 169. U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark. p. 666.

15. Dunrard V. Sandifer. "A Comparative Study of Laws Relating to Nationality at Birth and to Loss of Nationality," in American Journal of International Law, Vol. 29, 1955. pp. 248-279.

16. Japanese American Citizens League. Brief. Amicus Curiae. Korematsu vs. U.S. Supreme Court of the United States. October Term, 1944. No. 22.

17. K. K. Kawakami. The Real Japanese Question. Macmillan. New York. 1924.

18. Yamato Ichihashi. Japanese in the United States; A Critical Study of the problems of the Japanese Immigrants and Their Children. Stanford University Press, Stanford University, California. Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, London. 1932. pp. 106-107.

19. R. L. Buell. "Some Legal Aspects of the Japanese Question," in American Journal of International Law, vol. XVII, January 1925. p. 34.

20. Edward K. Strong, Jr. The Second Generation Japanese Problem. Stanford University Press. Stanford University, California, c. 1934.

21. Headquarters,Western Defense Command. Civil Affairs Division. Research Branch. Presidio of San Francisco. October 1944. Japanese Organizations in the United States: Dual Citizens and the Japanese Draft Law.

22. Japanese American Review. San Francisco. January 25, 1941. p. 6-

23. House of Representatives. [Dies] Special Committee of Un-American Activities. Report on the Axis Front Movement in the United States: Second Section--Japanese Activities. GP0. Washington, D.C. 1945. p. 207.

24. Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu vs. U.S. of America, on certiorari, No. 22. Brief for Appellant, presented in the Supreme Court of the U.S., October Term, 1944. Wayne M. Collins, Counsel for Appellant, pp. 95-95.

25. Farrington, Governor et al. v. V. T. Tokushige et al. February 21 1927. Honolulu, T.H.

26. Meyer vs. Nebraska. 262 U.S. 590.

27. Hirabayashi vs. U.S. 520 U.S. 81. p. 42.

28. Marian Svensrug. "Attitude of the Japanese toward their Language Schools," in Sociology and Social Research, January-February 1935. pp. 259-264.

29. H. A. MlIlls. The Japanese Problem in the United States. Macmillan, New York. 1915. p. 265.

30. Department of the Interior. War Relocation Authority. Nisei in the War Against Japan. Washington, D.C. April 1945.

31. U.S. War Department. Western Defense Command. [DeWitt] Final Report -- Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast, 1942. GPO. Washington, D.C. 1943.

32. Col. John P. Irish. "The Japanese Issue in California," in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, January 1921. pp. 74-76.

33. Portland Oregonian. Sunday Magazine. February 4, 1940. As told to Jack Cramer, Oregonian Staff Writer, by Minoru Yasui. p. 5.

34. War Relocation Authority. Manzanar Relocation Center. Project Reports Officer. Report to Regional Director. Project Report No. 55, dated October 25, 1942. [Also numbered 66 in Historical Documentation Report Series, and dated September 25.]

35. George Yasukochi. A Study of the Vocational Experiences of University of California Alumni of Japanese Ancestry. National Youth Administration project sponsored by the Bureau of Guidance and Placement of the Japanese Students Club and the University of California Young Men's Christian Association. University of California. Berkeley, California. Spring 1941. [No page citations are given because the references are to a brief of the study, interlarded with quotes, made by the historian.]

36. Information contributed by N. Peiper, of the San Francisco District Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during interview with the War Relocation Authority Historian, March 14, 1945.

37. New York Times.

38. Los Angeles Times.

39. Congress of the U.S. Report of Proceedings. Hearing held before Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Vol. 38. Report by C. B. Munson. January 17, 1946. Washington, D.C. pp. 7245 to 7299.

40. Seattle Post Intelligencer.

41. San Francisco Examiner.

42. Sacramento Union.

43. Memorandum prepared by Messrs. Cohen, Cox and Rauh. The Japanese Situation on the West Coast. [Provided by the Department of Justice. Alien Eneny Control Unitj.]

44. Memorandum from J. Edgar Hoover to Attorney General Biddle, February 7, 1944. Reported Bombing and Shelling of the West Coast.

45. Washington Post. October 29, 1945.

46. Washington Evening Star. November 1, 1945. p. A-3.

47. Eugene V. Rostow. "The Japanese American Casesj A Disaster," in Yale Law Journal, June 1945. pp. 496 et seq.

48. House of Representatives. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Naval Affairs. 78th Congress, 1st Session. Pursuant to H. Res. 30. A Resolution Authorizing and Directing an Investigation of the War Effort. Part 3. San Francisco, California Area. April 12, 13, -14, 15, 16, and 17, 1943. GPO. Washington, D.C. 1943.

49. Letter of June 17, 1942. Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson to Major General Lewis B. Hershey, National Headquarters Selective Service System, Washington, D.C.

Letter of March 8, 1944. Harold M. Hayes, Captain AUS, Foreign Liaison Section, Manpower Division, to Mr. John Baker, Chief of Reports, War Relocation Authority.

Letter of November 5, 1942. Major General J. A. Ulio for the Adjutant General, to Mr. John F. Embree, Senior Archivist, War Relocation Authority.

50. Confidential Memorandum from the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, James Lawrence Fly, to the Attorney General. Subject: Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt's Final Report on Japanese Evacuation from West Coast. Dated April 1, 1944. Contains quote from the report of the Chief of the Commission's Radio Intelligence Division on a conference with General DeWitt and his staff, on January 9, 1942.

51. Letter to the Honorable Francis Biddle, Attorney General, from James Lawrence Fly, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission. April 4, 1944.

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