Chapter Page Editor's Preface ix Author's Preface xv I Pre-War Policies and Plans 1 II The First Winter (3rd September, 1939, to 9th May, 1940) 15
III Advance into Belgium (20th May to 15th May, 1940) 35 IV Withdrawal to the Escaut (16th May to 19th May, 1940) 59 V Isolation of the Northern Armies (20th May, 1940) 75 VI The Countr-Attack at Arras (21st May, 1940) 87 VII High Level Moves (20th May to 22nd May, 1940) 103 VIII The Canal Line (23rd May, 1940) 121 IX Fighting on Two Fronts (24th May and 25th May, 1940) 135 X Defence of the Channel Ports (22nd May to 26th May, 1940) 153 XI The Decision to Evacuate (26th May, 1940) 171 XII Dunkirk, Bethune and Ypres (27th May, 1940) 183 XIII After the Belgian Surrender (28th May, 1940) 201 XIV The Final Withdrawal (29th May, 1940) 215 XV The Defence of the Bridgehead (30th May and 31swt May, 1940) 225 XVI Last Days at Dunkirk (1st June to 4th June, 1940) 239 XVII From the Saar to the Somme (10th May to 25th May, 1940) 249 XVIII The Fight for the Somme Crossings (26th May to 4th June, 1940) 259 XIX The New German Offensive (5th June to 8th June, 1940) 271 XX From the Bresle to St Valery (9th June to 12th June, 1940) 283 XXI The Final Phase (12th June to 18th June, 1940) 295 XXII Review of Air Operations 307 XXIII Conduct and Consequences of the Campaign 315 Supplement The Planning and Conduct of the German Campaign 333 Appendix A
British Forces Engaged 357 Appendix B
French and German texts quoted in translation 375 Appendix C
German Forces Engaged 400 Index 407 MAPS