Appendix B
Recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross

All pertinent Army records have been scrutinized in an effort to include in the following list the name of every soldier who received the Distinguished Service Cross for his part in the operations recounted in this volume. Inasmuch as no complete listing of DSC awards is maintained in any single Army file, it is possible that some names may inadvertently have been omitted.

Note: (P) indicates a posthumous award; * indicates a member of the French Expeditionary Corps; # indicates a member of the Canadian Army.

Maj. Robert B. Acheson S/Sgt. Robert A. Campagna
Capt. Hersel R. Adams (P) Pvt. Arthur C. Cato
Maj. John E. Adams (Missing) Sgt. Robert L. Chudej
Capt. Carlos C. Alden, Jr. Tech. 5 Carl R. Clegg
Tech. Sgt. Robert O. Alexander Cpl. Boggs G. Collins
Tech. Sgt. Rudolph F. Alexander Cpl. Thomas W. Corcoran
2d Lt. George A. Allen (P) Pvt. William J. Crawford
Sgt. James H. Archer Pvt. Melvin E. Danhaus
Pfc. Robert L. Arnett (P) 1st Lt. Jesse L. Davis
Capt. William P. Athas Pfc. Leslie B. Davis (Missing)
1st Lt. Frederick Blake Atto # S/Sgt. Royce C. Davis
Pvt. Masao Awakuni Lt. Col. Lyle J. Deffenbaugh
Sgt. Mike Baranek Maj. Don B. Dunham (P)
Pfc. Edward F. Barker (Missing) Lt. Col. Ray J. Ericksen (P)
1st Lt. William R. Barker Capt. James G. Evans
Capt. Charles M. Beacham Sgt. Carroll E. Fairclo
Pvt. Miles R. Beckstrom Pvt. Richard Ferris (P)
2d Lt. Alfred Belander (P) Sgt. Edgar S. Fines # (P)
Capt. Henri de Belsunce * Capt. Ralph C. Fisher (P)
Sgt. Jack G. Berry Pfc. Chester W. Floyd
2d Lt. Thomas F. Berteau Sgt. William J. Fox
2d Lt. Herbert E. Billman Pfc. Orlin A. Franklin
S/Sgt. Oliver R. Birkner (Missing) Brig. Gen. Robert T. Frederick
2d Lt. Arnold L. Bjorklund Pfc. Walter A. Galary
S/Sgt. Jack W. Bloomer Sgt. Fortunate Garcia (Missing)
1st Lt. Wayne E. Boyce (P) Pvt. Paul C. Gerlich (P)
2d Lt. Randolph Bracey (P) Pvt. Francis H. Gisborne
Cpl. Roy A. Braden Pfc. Joe P. Gomez
Pfc. Marvin H. Broach Sgt. Manuel S. Gonzales
Sgt. Harry L. Bromley 2d Lt. David O. Gorgol
T/Sgt. Charles H. Bussey 2d Lt. Edwin F. Gould
Capt. Benjamin J. Butler Lt. Col. Samuel S. Graham
Col. Frederic B. Butler Sgt. Charles I. Grant


Pfc. William Green Pvt. Clement S. Mackowiak
Pfc. Lloyd C. Greer (Missing) Capt. Jack L. Marinelli
Sgt. Bennie L. Guffey Capt. Carl P. Matney
Pvt. Thomas S. Gugliuzza (P) S/Sgt. Richard E. McCaffrey
Pvt. Fred Guttilla Capt. George N. McCall
Sgt. Arlie J. Haines Capt. Clifton A. McClain, Jr. (P)
Pvt. Charles R. Hanes (P) Sgt. John H. McInnis #
1st Lt. Roy M. Hanna 1st Lt. James F. McMahon
2d Lt. Herbert A. Hansen (P) S/Sgt. Quillian H. McMichen (P)
Pfc. Harry C. Harpel (P) Sgt. Hugh H. Merritt (P)
2d Lt. Vernon C. Harris (P) Pvt. Andrew J. Mileham
Capt. Leroy A. Haselwood (P) Pvt. William F. Miller
Pvt. Mikio Hasemoto (P) S/Sgt. Daniel W. Minton (P)
Capt. Richard B. Hawk Maj. Merle M. Mitchell
Pvt. Shizuya Hayashi 2d Lt. Orva F. Morris
T/Sgt. Robert H. Healer Cpl. Burr G. Moulton
1st Lt. Paul F. Heath 1st Lt. Orville O. Munson
1st Lt. Robert T. Heflin Pfc. Max L. Nebus, Jr. (P)
Sgt. Robert F. Heiser (P) S/Sgt. Carroll T. O'Donald (P)
2d Lt. Max R. Hendon 1st Lt. Howard W. O'Donnell (P)
Pvt. Edwin C. Hicks S/Sgt. Allan M. Ohata
1st Lt. William Higgins, Jr. Pfc. Omar Page (P)
Sgt. Glen O. Hiller Pfc. William Page
Chaplain (Capt.) Albert J. Hoffman Pfc. Howard E. Palmer
1st Lt. George E. Hodgdon S/Sgt. William F. Parrott
Cpl. Jesse D. Hollemon, Jr. (P) Sgt. George S. Paudel
Sgt. Burk B. Hunt (P) Pfc. Dallas D. Prather (P)
1st Lt. Sylvester J. Hunter Sgt. John A. Rich
Capt. Milton Jarrold S/Sgt. John C. Ritso (P)
S/Sgt. Charles R. Johnson 2d Lt. George T. Robinson (P)
Sgt. Steward R. Johnson Lt. Col. William B. Rosson
2d Lt. Delmer C. Keck (Missing) 1st Lt. Henry F. G. Rouse
1st Lt. William C. Kellogg T/Sgt. James A. Rutledge
Capt. John T. Kershner (P) Tech. 5 Ben Santjer (P)
S/Sgt. Charles W. Keyser 1st Lt. Bernard T. Schaefer
Capt. Joe H. Kimble S/Sgt. Harold L. Schorg
1st Lt. Donald E. Knowlton Pfc. Leonard J. Schneider (P)
Pfc. Henry C. Kranz Sgt. Martin N. Schreck
2d Lt. John T. Lamb Capt. Emile G. Schuster
Capt. Alden S. Lance Col. Harry B. Sherman
1st Lt. William J. Langston (P) 1st Lt. James N. Sherrick (Missing)
1st Lt. Stanley S. Lemon (P) T/Sgt. Sylvester D. Singlestad
Sgt. George Lenkalis (P) Maj. James F. Skells
2d Lt. John A. Liebenstein (Missing) Cpl. James D. Slaton
2d Lt. Howard R. Lieurance (P) Sgt. Willie B. Slaughter
2d Lt. Michael Ligus, Jr. (P) T/Sgt. Walter G. Sleezer
Tech. 5 Marvin B. Lindley Capt. Walker B. Sorrell
1st Lt. Martin Luke T/Sgt. Rolfe A. Spahr


2d Lt. William O. Sporbert Sgt. Leslie Van Dine
Capt. Harry J. Stone Pvt. Carson L. Varner
Capt. Richard M. Strong Sgt. Gaither W. Vaughn
Cpl. Masaru Suehiro 2d Lt. Thomas E. Vierheller (P)
Pfc. Richard M. Swanson Sgt. Fred Vincent (P)
Sgt. Ralph W. Swisher Pfc. John A. Wakefield
Sgt-Chef Dominique Taddei * Pfc. Robert E. Watson
Sgt. Shigeo J. Takata (P) Pfc. Charles E. Wheeler (P)
2d Lt. Harry M. Thames 2d Lt. Melvin F. Wiggins
Pvt. Merwin A. Tobias S/Sgt. Harold D. Wilson (Missing)
Capt. Charles D. Tool Capt. James W. Wilson
Sgt. Fred Trotter (P) Pfc. Thomas I. Yamanaga (P)
Sgt. Anthony D. Trumpaitis Pfc. Theodore Yuhasz
Col. Reuben H. Tucker 1st Lt. Thomas Zabski


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