Light Lists
Current International Light Lists
- United Kingdom
- United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO), Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals, varying dates. Covers the entire world in thirteen volumes revised on a rotating schedule. Not available online.
- United States
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), List of Lights, Radio Aids, and Fog Signals, 2012 edition. Covers the entire world except the United States. Published annually in seven volumes and downloadable in pdf format.
Current National Light Lists: Available online
- Belgium
- Vlaamse Hydrografie (Flemish Hydrography), Lichtenlijst (Light List), 2013 edition. Published every 3 or 4 years and downloadable in pdf format.
- Bolivia
- Servicio Nacional de Hidrografía Naval (Naval Hydrographic Service), Aviso a los Navegantes - Agusto 2010 (Notice to Mariners, August 2010). This notice, downloaded in pdf format, contains lists of Bolivian lights on Lake Titicaca and the Canal Tamengo.
- Brazil
- Centro de Hidrografia da Marinha (Navy Hydrographic Center), Lista de Faróis (List of Lighthouses), 2014-15 edition. Published annually and downloadable in pdf format. The list includes lights of countries around the South Atlantic region.
- Canada
- Canadian Coast Guard, List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals, varying dates. Published in four volumes, but on the Internet the volumes are broken down by waterway into a large number of sections that can be viewed online or downloaded in pdf format. Canada is the only country that keeps its Internet light list up to date with current corrections as changes are made.
- Colombia
- Centro de Investigaciones Oceanográficas e Hidrográficas del Caribe (CIOH), Lista de Luces de la República de Colombia (List of Lights of the Republic of Colombia), 2013 edition. Downloadable in pdf format.
- Denmark
- Søfartsstyrelsen (Danish Maritime Authority), Dansk Fyrliste (Danish Light List), 2013 edition. The list includes lights of the Faroes and Greenland. No longer published in print form, but downloadable in pdf format.
- Estonia
- Veeteede Amet (Estonian Maritime Administration), Navigatsioonimärgid Eesti Vetes (Aids to Navigation in Estonian Waters), 2010 edition corrected to 2013. Bilingual: all entries are in both Estonian and English.
- Fiji
- Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji, List of Lights in Fiji, undated pdf document. This list has only the Admiralty numbers, names, and locations of the lights.
- Iceland
- Siglingastofnun Íslands (Iceland Maritime Administration), Vitaskrá (Lights), 2012 edition. Published annually and downloadable in pdf format.
- Latvia
- Latvijas Jūras Administrācija Hidrogrāfijas Dienests (Maritime Administration of Latvia Hydrographic Service), Ugunis un Zīmes Latvijas Republikas ūdeņos (List of Aids to Navigation in the Waters of the Latvian Republic), 4th edition (2009). Bilingual: all entries are in both Latvian and English.
- Lithuania
- Lietuvos Saugios Laivybos Administracija (Lithunanian Maritime Safety Administration), Lietuvos Navigaciniai Ženklai ir Šviesos (Lithuanian List of Lights), 2013 edition. Downloadable in pdf format. Bilingual: all entries are in both Lithuanian and English.
- Mexico
- Dirección General Adjunta de Oceanografía, Hidrografía, y Meteorología (DIGAOHM), Cuaderno de Faros (Notebook of Lighthouses), 2012 edition. Published annually in two volumes (east and west coasts) and downloadable in pdf format. Thumbnail photos of the lights are included.
- Montenegro
- Zavod za Hidrometeorologiju i Seizmologiju (Hydrological and Seismological Service, ZHMS), List of Lights of the Montenegrin Coast, 2013 edition. Published in English and downloadable in pdf format.
- New Zealand
- Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), NZ List of Lights, 2013 edition. Published annually in two volumes (North and South Islands) plus an addendum for the Chatham Islands; downloadable in pdf format.
- Norway
- Kystverket (Coastal Administration), Norsk Fyrliste (Norwegian Light List), 2013 edition. Published annually in six volumes and downloadable in pdf format.
- Papua New Guinea
- National Maritime Safety Authority, List of Aids to Navigation Lights in Papua New Guinea, an online light list in chart form.
- Spain
- Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (Navy Hydrographic Institute), Libro de Faros y Señales de Niebla (Book of Lighthouses and Fog Signals), Internet edition in xml format. Thumbnail photos of the lights are included. The list includes lights of Portugal, northwestern Africa, and the Canary Islands.
- Uruguay
- Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada del Uruguay, Lista de Faros y Señales Maritimas, 2005 edition.
- United States
- United States Coast Guard, Light List, 2013 edition. Published annually in seven volumes and downloadable in pdf format. The list includes lights of Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories in the Caribbean and Pacific.
Current National Light Lists: Not available online
- Argentina
- Servicio de Hidrographía Naval (Naval Hydrographic Service), Faros y Señales Marítimas (Lighthouses and Maritime Signals), published in four volumes but mostly out of date; the coastal volumes were last published in 2001-02.
- Chile
- Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada (Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service), Lista de Faros (List of Lights), 2011 edition, publication 3007. The list includes Argentine lights of Tierra del Fuego and Chilean lights in the Antarctic.
- Croatia
- Hrvatski Hidrografski Institut (Croatian Hydrographic Institute), Popis Svjetala i Signala za Maglu (List of Lights and Fog Signals), 2009 edition.
- Ecuador
- Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (Naval Oceanographic Institute, INOCAR), Lista de Faros y Boyas (List of Lights and Buoys).
- Finland
- Finnish Transport Agency, Finnish List of Lights. Published in three volumes, one for the coast and two for the lakes. The most recent coastal list was published in 2010.
- France
- Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, SHOM), Livres des Feux et Signaux de Brume (Books of Lights and Fog Signals), 2013 edition. Published annually in four volumes. The list includes lights of France's overseas territories and some of its former territories such as Madagascar; it also includes lights of the western Mediterranean and Europe's Atlantic coast.
- Germany
- Bundesamt für Seeschifffart und Hydrographie (Federal Office for Navigation and Hydrography), Leuchtfeuerverzeichnis (Light List), varying dates. Published in four volumes. The list includes lights of other countries in the Baltic and North Sea region.
- Greece
- Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service, Φαροδείκτης Ελληνικών Ακτών (List of Lights of Hellenic Coasts), 2011 edition.
- India
- National Hydrographic Office, List of Lights and Fog Signals, 2009-10 edition. Published in two volumes.
- Indonesia
- Dinas Hidro-Osenografi (Hydro-Oceanographic Office), Daftar Suar (List of Lights).
- Italy
- Marina Militare Istituto Idrografico (Naval Hydrographic Institute), Elenco dei Fari e Segnali da Nebbia (List of Lights and Fog Signals), 2009 edition. The list includes lights of other Mediterranean countries.
- Japan
- Japan Coast Guard, List of Aids to Navigation. Note: although the official light list is not online, the Weather and Marine Company has posted a useful listing of the JCG lights with their numbers, names, and locations.
- Netherlands
- Dienst der Hydrografie (Hydrographic Service), Lichtenlijst van Nederland (Light List of the Netherlands), publication HP2.
- Peru
- Dirección
de Hidrografía y Navegación (DHN), Lista
de Faros y Señales Nauticas (List of Lights and Nautical Signals), 2009 edition for the Pacific coast and 2003 edition for Lake Titicaca. The 2005 edition for the Pacific coast was formerly online but has disappeared; it includes photos of the major lighthouses.
- Philippines
- National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA), Philippine List of Lights.
- Poland
- Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy (HOPN), Spis świateł i sygnałów nawigacyjnych (List of Lights and Navigational Signals). Published in three volumes, the Polish light list covers all of the Baltic Sea; Polish lights are in the first volume, publication 521.
- Portugal
- Instituto Hidrográfico (Hydrographic Institute), Ajudas à Navegação - Lista de Luzes (Aids to Navigation - List of Lights), 10th edition (2013). There is an additional volume for lights of Cape Verde.
- Russia
- Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography (HDNO), Огни и знаки (Lights and Beacons).
- Singapore
- Maritime and Post Authority (MPA), Singapore Port Information 2012/2013. This publication includes a light list for the Singapore Strait and Singapore harbor.
- South Africa
- South African Navy Hydrographic Office (SANHO), South African List of Lights, Fog Signals and Radio Services, 2011 edition, publication SAN HO-1. The list includes lights of Namibia.
- Sweden
- Sjöfartsverket (Maritime Administration), Svensk Fyrlista. Apparently the Swedish light list will not be produced any longer.
- Taiwan
- Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Office, List of Lights, publication 5, 2012 edition.
- Turkey
- Office of Navigation, Hydrography, and Oceanography, Fenerler ve sis Isaretleri (Lights and Fog Signals), 2007 edition.
- Ukraine
- State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine (SHSU), Вогні і знаки Чорного та Азовського морів (Lights and Beacons of the Black and Azov Seas), publication 201.
- Uruguay
- Servicio de Oceanografía, Hidrografía y Meteorología de la Armada (Navy Oceanographic, Hydrographic, and Meteorological Service, SOHMA), Lista de Faros y Señales Marítimas (List of Lighthouses and Maritime Signals), 2005 edition.