11S115     VMSBCK - Read VMS BACKUP Tapes Under RT-11/TSX-PLUS
Version: 91f04a
Submitted by: Nick Bourgeois, Albuquerque, NM
Operating System: RT-11 V5.5, TSX-PLUS V6.4  Source Language: FORTRAN
77  Memory Required: 64KB RT-11, 256KB TSX-PLUS  Keywords: Utilities -
RT-11, TSX
Abstract: This package provides the RT-11/TSX-PLUS users with
to read selected files from a VMS BACKUP magnetic tape.
It consists of one data file and five logical device files.
Following is a brief summary of highlights:
SAVSET.DAT Saveset from the VMS BACKUP tape.
CVRCDS.DSK Program to convert VMS ASCII records
  to RT-11 ASCII records.
*.COM  Command files to build CVRCDS.SAV.
CVRCDS.DAT COMMON and variables declarations.
CVRCDS.FOR Top module for CVRCDS.SAV, includes user
*.FOR  Supporting modules for CVRCDS.SAV.
CVRCDS.SAV Executable.
EXTFLS.DSK Program to extract selected files from a
  selected saveset.
*.COM  Command files to build EXTFLS.SAV.
EXTFLS.DAT COMMON and variables declarations.
EXTFLS.FOR Top module for EXTFLS.SAV, includes
  user instructions.
*.FOR  Supporting modules for EXTFLS.FOR.
MTLIB.OBJ Special version for this package.
EXTFLS.SAV Executable.
SVSTDR.DSK Program to make a directory of a selected
SVSTDR.COM Command file to build SVSTDR.SAV.
SVSTDR.DAT COMMON and variables declarations.
SVSTDR.FOR Top module for SVSTDR.SAV, includes
  user instructions.
*.FOR  Supporting modules for SVSTDR.FOR.
MTLIB.OBJ Special version for this package.
SVSTDR.SAV Executable.
TAPEDR.DSK Program to make a tape directory.
TAPEDR.COM Command file to build TAPEDR.SAV.
TAPEDR.DAT COMMON and variables declarations.
TAPEDR.FOR Top module for TAPEDR.SAV, includes
  user instructions.
*.FOR  Supporting modules for TAPEDR.FOR.
MTLIB.OBJ Special version for this system.
TAPEDR.SAV Executable.
VMSBCK.DSK Miscellaneous data and text files.
EOF1.DAT EOF1 record from the VMS BACKUP tape.
EOF2.DAT EOF2 record from the VMS BACKUP tape.
HDR1.DAT HDR1 record from the VMS BACKUP tape.
HDR2.DAT HDR2 record from the VMS BACKUP tape.
VOL1.DAT VOL1 record from the VMS BACKUP tape.
ABSTRA.DOC Abstract file.
VMSBCK.DOC  VMS saveset internal structure description.
Notes: Executable and/or object code is included.
Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magnetic Tape (MC)  Format: RT-11,
TK50 Tape Cartridge (TA)  Format: RT-11

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Tim Shoppa <shoppa@trailing-edge.com>
Created: December 26, 1998