
KJV and Baker Book House

In an earlier post George Aichele "thought out loud" that Baker might choose
to publish a KJV-oriented Greek text for economic or theological reasons.
Given Baker's conservative theological stance, George thought Baker might be
publishing works which cater to the conservative end of the spectrum.

Since evangelicalism has its reactionary elements, I can see why George thought
this way.  However, Baker does publish _The Analytical Greek New Testament_
which utilizes the U.B.S. text and _The KJV Debate_ by Don Carson which opposes
the KJV/TR-only position.  Thus I wouldn't conclude that Baker has an editorial
policy on Bible translations or Greek text types.

Amen, George, on getting rid of the notion that translations are theologically
innocent or indeed can be.


David L. Turner, New Testament, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, MI