RE: (really) little Greeks

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Mon Sep 15 1997 - 17:12:46 EDT

At 04:02 PM 9/15/97 -0400, Cal Redmond wrote:
>Nichael Cramer wrote:
>Nichael, I have bookmarked a web page which markets a Greek learning
>curriculum purportedly for "ages pre-school and up." THe URL for that

I saw some sample lessons. I think this gives exposure to Greek, but doesn't
go very deep.

With my own older daughters (now 10 and 12), I made up my own materials for
getting them through John 1, teaching spelling, the vocabulary and some of
the grammar. I created a sheet that had the Greek words, English
translations for each word, and translations for each phrase, arranging them
so that the English could be covered with another piece of paper. I just
read individual words, then phrases, and built up to sentences. I would say
the Greek, then the English, then ask one or the other and have them say the
missing part:

Me: LOGOS means word. Now you say LOGOS!
Child: LOGOS
Me: Here is the word. This is like an l, this is like an o, this is like a is this letter pronounced?
Child: "l"
Me: Right! (Repeat for other letters)
Me: hO LOGOS - the word. Look at how it is spelled and say it.
Child: hO LOGOS
Me: You know where the 'h' comes from? Look at this little squiggle...
Me: ARCH means beginning. Now you say ARCH!
Child: ARCH
Me: Good! There are a few new letters here...
Me: EN ARCH means 'in the beginning'. What do you think EN means?
Child: In?
Me: Yes. Now we have only one more word for our first Greek sentence. HN
means "was". Can you say HN?
Child: HN
Me: What does HN mean?
Child: "was"
Me: What does hO LOGOS mean?
Child: "the word"
Me: What does EN ARCH mean?
Child: In the beginning
Me: OK, now you are going to have to put all the pieces together. EN ARCH HN
hO LOGOS. What do you think that means?

In about 1 1/2 hours each of them was pretty good at the first chapter of
John, and they improved with review. We haven't gone much past that. At the
time, my youngest daughter was 7, and I was a little embarrassed at the
seminary book store when she saw a book with Greek on the cover, got all
excited, and started reading the Greek to me, shouting across the book
store. Then I decided maybe I was more proud than embarrassed.

After teaching my kids this much, I started looking for materials and found
the web site you mentioned, but I don't think that the Andrew stuff goes as
far as what they already know.

Your mileage may vary. My own kids grew up bilingual (English and German),
so they may have had a head start on learning another language.


Jonathan Robie
POET Software, 3207 Gibson Road, Durham, N.C., 27703

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