From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 05:57:20 EDT

<x-flowed>>From: Polychroni <upb_moniodis@ONLINE.EMICH.EDU>
>The LXX text of the psalm, repeated in the NT is:
>Which I read as saying:
>Blessed [be] the Coming One in the name of the Lord.
>Not meaning that the Coming One comes in the name of the Lord, but that the
>Coming One is blessed [by us] in the name of the Lord.
Psalm 117:26 (118:26) is sung during the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in
the Orthodox tradition right before we receive communion. The Priest
presents the chalice with the bread and wine to the people and declares
"Approach with the fear of God and with faith!" The people respond
"Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! God the Lord has revealed
Himself to us!"

This Psalm verse is also used as the Prokeimenon to introduce the epistle
reading on Palm Sunday and on Theophany. Theophany is January 6 and is the
celebration of the Baptism of Jesus and the revelation of the Trinity.

This verse is also used as the communion hymn on Palm Sunday. We sing this
while the Priest and Deacons receive communion at the altar.

Finally, on the Sunday after the Theophany this is the verse that we sing
during the little entrance. This is when the Gospel book is brought through
the Church and placed back on the altar. This is a symbol for Christ coming
to the world and returning to heaven.

The Old Slavonic translation of the Greek reads:

Blahosloven hrjadyj vo imja Hospodne.

But we have recently seen that the Old Slavonic translations are not
necessarily accurate.

However, since this verse in the Septuagint is very seen by the early Church
as speaking about Christ and his mission to earth, I tend to doubt your
reading in this case. The connection to both the Theophany revelation and
the Entrance as the King into Jerusalem tend to support the traditional
reading of this verse.
>PS. I have consulted the commentaries of St. John Chrysostom (both on
>Matthew & the Psalms) and St. Theophylactos (c. 1000 AD) and did not find
>support for the traditional interpretation that "in the name of the Lord"
>modifies the "Coming One."
I concur that Chrysostom would be an important witness to the readings of
the LXX Psalms. His text of the Divine Liturgy is liberally peppered with
Psalm quotes and allusions and this verse is part of the standard text.
Unfortunately, my scripture index of Chrysostom does not list 117:26
(118:26) as cited in any of his Homilies. Could you supply the name of the
Homily and the chapter reference?

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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