Isa 53 in 1 Clem

From: Bart Ehrman (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 11:07:49 EST

   1 Clement quotes the LXX of Isa. 53, "He was led like a sheep going to
slaughter; and as a lamb is silent before the one who shears it, so he did
not open his mouth... EN THi TAPEINWSEI hH KRISIS AUTOU HRQH" (1 Clem
16:7). So too Acts 8:33 (possibly add AUTOU after TAPEINWSEI).

  This is often translated something like, "In his humiliation, justice
was denied him." What about, instead, something like "He bore the
judgment against him in humility" (for, literally: "in humility was his
judgment borne).

-- Bart Ehrman
   University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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