Re: Gender-specific or gender-inclusive?

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 06:54:45 EST

<x-flowed>To: Gfsomsel,

<< I'll just never be able to accept that viewpoint which has only arisen
under the aegis of the NOW hags >>

Your language on this list has been rude to me personally as well as to

<< The English word "man" IS NOT, and NEVER HAS BEEN an exclusive term. >>

If by "exclusive" you mean an exclusive-gender term, you are wrong here.
The English term "man" has often been used in an exclusive-gender sense,
such as in the phrase: "I saw a man and a woman walk down the street just now."

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
FWIW: I'm neither a clergy-person, nor an academic (and I have no post-grad

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