Re: 1Cor 1:24

From: Harold R. Holmyard III (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 08:58:24 EST

Dear Dmitriy,
     I agree wholeheartedly with Carl's earlier suggestion about your
desire to translate CRISTON ESTAURWMENON in 1 Cor 1:23 "Christ as
crucified." Carl wrote:

Grammatically that is correct: i.e. the participle ESTAURWMENON is
predicative to KHRUSSOMEN, but I think it might be argued that CRISTON
ESTAURWMENON is a sort of indirect discourse with a participle such as one
more normally sees with verbs of perception, so that the sense is "We
preach THAT Christ has been crucified."

The idea that it is the Messiah who is crucified is important. I was
thinking that your suggestion to translate "preach Christ as crucified"
treated "crucified" as an object complement. For example, He called Christ
a prophet, or, he regarded Christ as a prophet. Here it would be: "we
preach Christ as (one) crucified." Perhaps I am incorrect.
     However, the translation "Christ having been crucified" strikes me
more favorably. Paul does not seem to be emphasizing how he preaches
Christ, but what he preaches. Like Carl, I concluded that "Christ having
been crucified" is another way of saying "that Christ has been crucified,"
which, as Carl says, would be indirect speech.
     A question arose, though the idea is probably wrong, whether
"crucified" in "Christ crucified" could be an anarthrous, attributive
participle? Goetchius give CALKOS HCWN ("sounding brass") in 1 Cor 13:1 as
an example of one. The translation would be: "we preach a crucified
Christ." My German Bible has: wir aber predigen der gekreuzigten Christus
("but we preach the crucified Christ").
     Although I prefer "Christ having been crucified," I, like Carl, had
the thought that the meaning is pretty much the same however one regards
the phrase. As to translation, parsimony suggests that we should use only
as many words as we need to be effective. There is no hWS in the Greek, and
the English works without "as": "we preach Christ crucified." This is the
way that the NIV, NASB, and KJV handle the phrase. My French Bible does the

                                        Harold Holmyard

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