[b-greek] Re: Non Biblical Proleptic Aorist

From: Steven Lo Vullo (slovullo@mac.com)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 20:27:50 EST

on 2/22/02 4:18 PM, Carl W. Conrad at cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu wrote:

> At 5:09 PM -0500 2/22/02, Oliver Helix wrote:
>> I was hoping some of the more well read people here could point me to some
>> non-biblical usage of proleptic greek. Mainly to prove that there really
>> is such a thing. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> For the sake of the LESS well-read (including myself) would you care to
> define what you mean by EITHER "proleptic Greek" OR "proleptic aorist" and
> how either might have a distinctive non-biblical usage?


Wallace has a section on "proleptic aorist" on pp. 563-64 of his grammar. I
think at least some of the examples are questionable (even besides the ones
he labels "debatable").

Steven Lo Vullo
Madison, WI

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