The great Buddhist Tope at Sanchi before restoration

Buddhist India

by Thomas William Rhys Davids, LL.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Pali and Buddhist Literature at University College, London


Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – The Kings

Chapter 2 – The Clans and Nations

Chapter 3 – The Village

Chapter 4 – Social Grades

Chapter 5 – In the Town

Chapter 6 – Economic Conditions

Chapter 7 – Writing – the Beginnings

Chapter 8 – Writing – Its Development

Chapter 9 – Language and Literature – General View

Chapter 10 – Literature – The Pali Books

Chapter 11 – The Jataka Book

Chapter 12 – Religion – Animism

Chapter 13 – Religion – The Brahmin Position

Chapter 14 – Chandragupta

Chapter 15 – Asoka

Chapter 16 – Kanishka



The great Buddhist Tope at Sanchi before restoration – King Pasenadi in his Chariot. Above is the Wheel of the Law. From the Bharahat Tope. Pl. xiii. – Ajatasattu starting out to visit the Buddha – Kings and Queens watching a procession as it leaves a fort. From the Sanchi Tope. – Facade of mansion. From the Bharahat Tope. Ti, xxxi. – Sudhammo, the mote-hall of the gods – From the Bharahat Tope. Pl. xvi. – Ancient open-air bath at Anuradhapura.(No. I) – Ancient open-air bath at Anuradhapura. (No. 2) – Old Indian scrollwork – A Ziggarat. From Ragozin’s “Story of Chaldea.” – The thousand pillars. Ruins of the foundation of the seven-storied Great Brazen Palace at Anuradhapura. From Cave’s “Ruined Cities of Ceylon.” – The split rock. Gambling scene from the Bharahat tope – Scrollwork ornament as used outside houses and on Topes in Buddhist India. From the Bharahat Tope. Pl. xliii – Ground plan and restoration of the Bharahat Stupa. From Cunningham’s “Stupa of Bharhut.” Pl. iii. – Restoration (by W. Simpson) of the Ahin Posh Tope. From the Proceedings of the R.I.B.A. – A Stupa as carved on the bas-reliefs. From Cunningham’s “Stupa of Bharhut.” Pl. xxxi. – The Jetavana Dagaba – Specimens of ancient jewelry found in the Sakiya Tope. From J.R.A.S., 1898. – Old Indian girdle of jewels. From the figure of Sirimi Devata on the Bharahat Tope. Pl. li. – Old Indian necklaces – Old Indian locket. Old Indian earring. Old Indian locket. Size of original. – Medallion on the Bharahat Tope. xxiv. Fig. 3. – Ancient Indian head-dress – From a medallion on the Bharahat Tope. Pl. xxiv. Fig. 2. – Anatha Pindika’s gift of the Jetavana park. From the Bharahat Tope. Pl. lxvii. – Ancient Indian coins – Eran coins – Leaf of MS. from the Gosinga Vihara of an old Buddhist Anthology – Dr. Hoey’s brick tablet, with Buddhist Sutta inscribed on it – The copper plate from Takka-Sila. “Epigraphia Indica,” vol. iv. – The Maung-Gon gold plate. From “Epigraphia Indica,” vol. v., p. 101. – Leaf from the bower MS. birch bark cut to imitate palm leaves, with holes for strings to tie them up with – The inscribed vase from the Sakiya Tope – The Peppé vases. Found by Mr. Peppé in the Sakiya Tope. – Ruins of the Sakiya Tope, put up by his relatives over their portion of the ashes from the funeral pyre of the Buddha – Fragment of the thirteenth rock edict of Asoka, discovered by Professor Rhys-Davids at Girnar – The banyan deer Jataka story. Three episodes on one bas-relief. – Sirima Devata. From the Bharahat Tope. Pl. xxiii. – Modern image of Sri as consort of Vishnu. From Burgess’s “Cave Temples of India,” p. 524. – Hindoo goddess of luck – Vessavana Kuvera, King of the Yakshas, and Regent of the North. From the Bharahat Tope. – Chakavaka, King of the Nagas. From Cunningham’s “Stupa of Bharhut.” Pl. xxi, fig. 3. – Naga mermaids in water. From Burgess and Grünwedel’s “Buddhist Art in India” – Seated Naga; back view. From a fresco in Cave 11 at Ajanta – Elephants before the wisdom tree. From Cunningham’s “Stupa of Bharhut.” Pl. xxx. – The wisdom tree of Kassapa, the Buddha. From Cunningham’s “Stupa of Bharhut.” Pl. xxx. – The Buddha preaching to Nagas dwelling in a sacred tree. From a Buddhist carving at Takht-i-Bahi. J.R.A.S., 1898. – Details of the sculptures on the gates of Sanchi Tope – Details on the sculptures on the gates of Sanchi Tope – Rear view of the northern gate of Sanchi Tope – Jain temple at Khujarao – The great Buddhist Tope at Sanchi before restoration – Sanchi Tope. A general view from the south – Eastern gate of Sanchi Tope – Rear view of the eastern gate of Sanchi Tope – Details from eastern gate of Sanchi Tope – Details from eastern gate of Sanchi Tope – Map of the Kingdom of Asoka as described in the inscriptions and in the engraved edicts

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