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This site is for the archival of texts and translations, essays, articles and indices relating and pertaining to South Indian Classical Music…
Collection of Public Domain clipart optimized for use with word processors (hence WP Clipart), at first was created specifically with AbiWord in mind.…
DefineHCI is an exploration of defining human-computer interaction and the explorationof design issues, visual communication, andvisual thinking.
Ice Hockey Sports Club Team at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
(Filmaker/media artist's site in Brooklyn) which features public domain material and helpful links and event information that contribute to a rich…
On November 7, 1994, WXYC-FM (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) became the first radio station in the world to offer a live Internet simulcast of an…
Photography portfolio. Includes 3 photographic series: "Landscapes at the Edge of Perception," "Scrambled Signals," and…
GetWiki is a wiki document collaboration and discussion site for a wide variety of intellectual topics in the Humanities and Sciences, from…
Cultural Research is currently an archive for the research of Clyde Smith in dance, education, cultural studies and qualitative methods. Long term…
Pandora Records was established in 1973. The business was active for over ten years, finally succumbing when the LP died because of the CD. The…