Home Credits

Sustainable Farming Connection
Where farmers find and share information.

Here's credit where credit is due.

red ballOur initial efforts to launch this site have been supported by the Wallace Genetics Foundation through the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture, email: hawiaa@access.digex.net.

red ballBanner photos by T.L. Gettings, director, Rodale Images, email: tgettin1@rodalepress.com. Rodale Images has the largest collection of high-quality photos of sustainable farming practices in the world as well as great gardening pictures and other images.

red ballSpecial thanks to MetaLab at the University of North Carolina for hosting our site. Without the cooperation the staff, Sustainable Farming Connection could not exist.

red ballA big thank you to Marty from WebSource of Michigan, Inc. who contributed the "Revised" JavaScript that graces our pages without screwing up the works for IE4 users.

red ballLarry London, author of the InterGarden website at SunSITE, is not only a great dirt farmer, but has spent countless hours helping us cope with technical questions. There will always be a few bugs in the system. But thanks to Larry, they are fewer and farther between.

red ballBackground graphic © Ace of Space Graphics.

red ballEmail animation created by Andy Evans.

red ballHot pepper graphic from A+ Art.

red ballNavigation bars inspired by Jakob Nielsen.

red ballPublic domain red ball graphic from The Icon Island.

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Home Credits

©1997 Committee for Sustainable Farm Publishing

Please read about our usage permission policy and disclaimer.

Send comments, suggestions and questions to the site author:
Craig Cramer cdcramer@clarityconnect.com

Coded using HoTMetaL Pro 3.0. Best viewed in Netscape 3.0 or later.
Please see our credits page for more information.
