

Currently, IRC (Internet relay chat) is the reason that our discussion mailing lists are pretty quiet. :) New ideas, development strategies and some user support happens via IRC. Since not everyone is present via IRC, mailing lists are still used to reach more people, and to announce new releases of GGI and related applications. For user-support questions, the mailing lists and the various bug/enhancement/support tracking facilities provided by sourceforge are currently the best place to ask user support questions.


Check the #ggi channel on the FreeNode Network. This channel is intended to be for ggi support / development and related topics. Chatting is allowed, but please keep things friendly. Thanks to WooShell, daily logs can be found at

Here is a list of the most important nicks:

  • bughunter: Christoph Egger (Project leader)
  • skids: Brian S. Julin (Project leader)
  • soyt: Eric Faurot (Webmaster)

The GGI team holds meetings. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings. None is planned right now but stay tuned. Logs and summaries of past IRC meetings are available:

Mailing lists

We currently have two mailing lists for GGI, hosted at

Recent archives of the mailing lists can be found at the subscription links above; a more comprehensive archive of the older ggi-develop list is hosted by MARC.

In order to avoid problems with spam on the mailing lists, we do not allow posts from non-subscribers; if you do not wish to subscribe, send your messages to a GGI developer, or use our tracking facilities as described below. Unfortunately, spammers have started abusing the From field of emails, making people think our mailing lists are insecure. Please check the archives referred to above for proof that our lists are safe. If such messages do not go via our lists, there is very little we can do about them; sue them and/or filter their garbage out.

Reports / Requests

We now rely on sourceforge facilities for managing external:

If you intend to report a new bug, then please please don't forget to mention the version of the library, the operating-system and hardware architecture you use. In the multi-platform world of GGI, there is a wide range of possible combinations!