KGI - Kernel Graphics Interface display


display-kgi : KGI - Kernel Graphics Interface display


display-kgi: [-no3d] [-noinput] [-swatchsize]


display-kgi opens /dev/graphic[0-1] for allocating a KGI device.

Note that /dev/graphic does not behave the same way on Linux and FreeBSD. Particularly, on FreeBSD, /dev/graphic0 is not used to open directly the device 0 but to negociate the usgae of other /dev/graphic[1-9] devices. Especially, when opening /dev/graphic0, the user must first get a unit and later attach it. This way, the KGI device instance and the /dev/graphic instance are different things (FreeBSD contraint due to file/process relationships in the kernel).

If GGI_INPUT or GII_INPUT is set, it overrides the default behaviour of display-kgi: let GGI open the input. Otherwise, display-kgi tries to open the /dev/event corresponding to ists /dev/graphic.



not in use for now


Do not open any libraries for keyboard & mouse input.


auto by default


  • Accelerated if supported by the KGI implementation