General Input Interface

LibGII is intended to be to input what our LibGGI library is to graphics.

The goal of LibGII is to provide a single easy to use, but yet powerful, API for all possible input sources. However we are not there yet. The API is far from set in stone yet, and is likely to change.

The main purpose of this LibGII release is to accompany our LibGGI release, but you're still very welcome to use LibGII as a standalone library for your non-LibGGI applications. Also you might be interested in the mhub utility found in the demos directory. mhub is a mouse event repeater and converter.

Branch 0.8

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The branch tag for 0.8.x is branch_0_8. See the CVS documentation on how to getting it.

We have stopped maintaining this branch with the release of libgii 0.8.7 in favour to branch 0.9. However, this branch can be reopened, once a volunteer takes over the maintainership of this branch.

Branch 0.9

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The branch tag for 0.9.x is branch-0-9. See the CVS documentation on how to getting it.

We have stopped maintaining this branch with the release of libgii 0.9.2 in favour to branch 1.0. However, this branch can be reopened, once a volunteer takes over the maintainership of this branch.

Branch 1.0

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The branch tag for 1.0.x is branch-1-0. See the CVS documentation on how to getting it.

Significant changes since libgii 1.0.2:

  • build system: Fix manual disable of linux-joy.
  • build system: Fix configure --help. cocoa, kii, lk201, pcjoy and quartz are default auto. Reported by Olaf Buddenhagen.
  • build system: Fix build on Intel-Macs.
  • input-quartz(7): Fix broken mousewheel support.
  • input-quartz(7): Fix '+'-key on keypad.
  • input-quartz(7): Fix sign extension bug causing problems with international characters

Development Tree

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Significant changes since libgii 1.0.x:

  • input-mouse: support for 4th and 5th button for IMPS/2 mice
  • Instruct libgg to not try to load dynamic modules when static libgii is used.
  • Strip LibGG out of the tree.
  • New implementation based on work done in the ggbundle branch. It uses the dynamic interface framework of libgg. The internal interface for module is also completely redesigned. This imply numerous important changes in LibGII, but the main interface is roughly the same.
  • input-vnc(7): new target, for use by new display-vnc(7).
  • input-memory(7): new standalone useable input target. Also used by display-memory(7) and display-ipc(7).
  • New evSublibInfo event type for asynchronous communication.
  • input-xwin(7): Send "Window close" events using evFromAPI. This closes SF Feature Request #638465.
  • input-xwin(7): Absolute pointer coordinates are correct when multiple frames are used.
  • input-xwin(7), input-x(7): Translate pointer buttons 4 and 5 into relative gii wheel events.
  • filter-tile: new filter, for translating absolute pointer coordinates from display-tile child visuals.