
XGGI is an accelerated and an unusual multihead capable X server on top of libggi(7). It supports 8, 15, 16, 24 and 32 bit modes on any libggi target that provides a pixellinear Directbuffer.

The special thing with unusual multihead capability is that you can put multiple machines to an X cluster, each machine accelerating the rendering of its display.

Note that even though XGGI is built from X.org sources it is not an X.org server. No code from hw/xfree86 is used, and therefore an eventual /etc/XF86Config file is completely ignored.

XGGI 2.0.0 requires GGI 2.2.

Latest version

Latest version is XGGI 2.0.0.

It features over the older XGGI versions 24 X Extensions, IPv6, acceleration & more.

It is available from ftp://ftp.ggi-project.org/pub/packages/ggi/programs/xggi/ or from SF (gz, bz2)

Older versions

XGGI 1.6.2:

Oldest versions are in the archive

Former XGGI site


XGGI on MacOSX in dualhead configuration:

XGGI on MacOSX in simulated quadrohead configuration. Imagine forwarding the other three parts to other machines and voila you have a "X cluster" ;-)