
Re: News Advisory: Still Crazy After Oil These Years!

: > 
: > Well, as long as the humans don't bypass the safeties that were designed 
: > to prevent things such as Chernobyl, it won't happen.   

: Hold on... 

: Human error will happen in the nuclear industry, as in all inductries. If
: people continue to build nuke plants, nuclear accidents will happen.

: However, let's examine what that means. There are 442 nuclear reactors
: (>500 MWe) in the world. The lifetime production of electrical energy by
: these reactors up until August 1995 is in excess of 25,500 TWh. These
: figures are from the Nuclear Engineering International 1996 Industry
: Handbook. If we assume an average power reactor capacity of 900 MWe and an
: average capacity factor of 80%, that is 286.1 reactor-years of operation.

: The worst nuclear accident which has occurred as a result of the world-wide
: nuclear program is the Chernobyl accident. The total number of deaths
: attributable to this accident as of November, 1995, is approximately 50.
: This includes those people who died of acute radiation exposure during the
: accident (and the two who died during the accident due to non-radiation
: related causes), the three children which had died of thyroid cancer (the
: _only_ radiation induced health effect which has been found to have
: affected any members of the general public), and all of the cancer deaths
: in the "liquidator" population, even though the cancer rate in this
: population is _not_ in excess of the expected rate.

: Patrick Reid

Dear Patrick,

please have a walk in the children's hospitals in former eastern Europe. 
You could find out that the picture you draw is far from the reality. 

You may be an ignorant, but are you honest when you list sicknesses due
to coal combustion and do not list any sicknesses due to Chernobyl ? 
Do you believe one second that the only result of Chernobyl was
p deaths ?

Who paid you to write this message, poor boy ?

 Michel Vasic

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