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Permaculture Skills Intensive

An Ecological Design & Sustainable Living Apprenticeship
July 10 to August 6 
Orcas Island, WA at the Bullock Brothers' Homestead
Visit www.sustainablelivingnews.com for a complete course outline.

Learn Sustainable Design & Living Skills at a Premier Permaculture Site! 
Using examples on the Bullock Brothers' 17-year-old working permaculture
farm, participants will learn to apply ecological design, while living
it.  This residential intensive will provide an opportunity to learn the
hands-on skills necessary to design & implement sustainable human

What you can expect:
*Design Skills: Learn How to Read the Landscape,
Methodologies, Observation Skills, & Mapping
*Integrated Home Ecosystems: Strategies & Tools for Urban & Rural
*Food Forests & Orchards
Practical Skills Learned in the Bullocks' Gardens & Orchards: Including
Greenhouse Operation, Wildcrafting, & Bamboo
*Sustainable Living Skills: From Plant Propagation to Water Systems to
Simple Carpentry & Woodworking Skills
*Natural Building: Passive Solar House Design, Cob Construction,
Solar Electric Heating & Water Systems
*Wetland & Habitat Restoration: Hands-On in the 20-acre Bog & Wildlife

About the Course:
	The Bullocks', Michael Lockman & guest instructors combine their various
skills in permaculture, urban sustainability, natural building, &
community development to create a wholistic approach to design.
	The main purpose of the course is to teach principles & methodologies of
permaculture (sustainable ecological design) so you can understand &
apply these methods & skills to your home property & local community.
	Through hands-on learning, lecture, discussion, observation, and field
trips, participants will develop the practical skills and knowledge to
design & implement sustainable systems in harmony with the natural world.
	Practical skills include: water systems, nursery work, orcharding,
pruning, greenhouse operation, tree planting, preparing garden beds,
thinning bamboo, wildcrafting, raising small animals, simple carpentry &
woodworking skills, wetland & habitat restoration, & building with cob.
	Participants will learn propagation & grafting skills & receive cuttings
to take with them.
	Innovative methods of growing food, featuring the use of fruits, nuts,
vines, shrubs, herbs, & annual vegetables will be taught while working in
the gardens & orchards.  
	Solar electricity, passive solar house design, & sustainable economic
planning will be studied using examples on site.
About The Bullocks' Homestead:
	For the past 16 years the Bullock brothers have been living with their
families on 10 acres on Orcas Island, Washington in the San Juan
	Their homestead is a working example of sustainable design & living with
food forests, greenhouses, passive-solar house construction, solar
electricity, appropriate technology, aquaculture & more.
	By combining their love of travel & botany, the Bullocks' have assembled
a collection of edible & useful plants that include species from Russia,
the Tropics, Mexico, & Japan.
	This is a unique opportunity to study & live at one of the premier
permaculture sites in North America!  

	This course will cover the Basic Permaculture Curriculum & participants
will be certified as Permaculture Design Trainees, & after two years
experience will be eligible for a Diploma of Applied Permaculture Design.
Graduates are entitled to use the term "Permaculture" in pursuit of
livelihood & for educational purposes.

Course Site & Facilities:
	10 glorious acres on beautiful Orcas Island.  Facilities are rustic (hot
shower, outhouse & outdoor kitchen) with limited indoor sleeping space
(plenty of tent space & room to park campers & trucks). There are limited
overnight accommodations available in the area, please contact us for

Course Instructors:
Douglas, Joseph & Samuel Bullock, landscape, orchard & homestead
designers, nurserymen & world travelers with extensive experience in all
aspects of permaculture design & installation.
Michael Lockman, ecological designer, educator & editor with his own
design business.  Publisher of the Sustainable Living News.

Guests Instructors:
John Valenzuela, horticulturist & teacher on the Big Island of Hawaii. 
He specializes in home gardens, food forests, ethnobotany, & plant
Simon Henderson, permaculture designer & educator since 1984.  Author of
Raising the Dragon:  Bamboo Agroforestry in Vietnam.
Emily Heindsmann, natural builder, & co-editor of the Sustainable Living
Marna Hauk, natural builder & permaculture designer in Portland, OR.
Yuriko Bullock, chef, homesteader & gardener with her own restaurant.
Lonnie Gamble, president of Hydroelectric Power Development Co.,
specializing in wind, solar, thermal, biomass, & solar energy systems.
Toby Hemenway, Permaculture Writer & Soil Scientist in Oregon.

Fee:  $1750 
Includes Home Cooked Meals, Tent Space, Materials, Certification, &
Subscriptions to Sustainable Living News & The Permaculture Activist! 
Limited Scholarships Available.

You may reserve your space with a $300 non-refundable deposit.  

Make checks payable to: WE-Design, PO Box 45472, Seattle, WA 98145. 
Email to michaellockman@juno.com with questions. Or call 206-567-5447.
Visit www.sustainablelivingnews.com for a complete course outline.