Last night I finally had time to upload my first muxtape! My twitter buddies were kind enough to retweet about it! Thanks to whoever favorited me there.

Now I have Facebook Chat too! I went to test it and 20+ friends were already there and suddenly I had 5 conversations at once. I have to report one that I had with a journalist to the UNC Attys but there is no log function that I can see.

But wait there is more! Muxtapes play on the iPhone too! Kinda in a slow way with a lot of pauses, but still it can hear Courtney Pine where ever I am without having to have remembered to put him on my iPod.

Now i need to test out Blog-it from Six Apart.

What was I going to do today?

Oh Yes: at 4:15 “Challenges at the Public/Private Boundary: Partnerships, Gifts, and Names” (Lew Margolis, Peggy Glenn, Paul Jones, and Julie MacMillan, moderated by David Potenziani) at the School of Public Health in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Auditorium.