The attempt by Verizon to chill speech in the form of text-message alerts by NARAL gets serious considered reactions across the net — and others. This kind of action by what should be a common carrier with no authority over content is exactly what net neutralists have feared and predicted. Thanks for making it real, Verizon. Now let’s get some legislation and enforcement in place.

Fellow J-school blogger Leroy Townes says more at his TalkPolitics blog.

Amy Tiemann posts her reaction, as a concerned mom, at her CNet (parent . thesis) blog.

Here’s what Verizon found offensive:

End Bush’s global gag rule against birth control for world’s poorest women! Call Congress. (202) 224-3121. Thnx! Naral Text4Choice

UPDATE: Verizon just reversed thier position and will allow the NARAL messages says CNet.