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Safe Place

Places you can go when you need to be safe

Safe place is a place in your mind where you can go anytime you want to. In this place you are in complete control. You decide who can get in and who has to stay out. Often this place is a garden, a park or a sunny out door space. It can be a real place you know of or imaginary. The only restriction is that it should be completely your own and not belong or be associated with anyone. It can't be a friend's house or space. If that person upsets you - you still need to have a safe place regardless of them.

Start by picking a spot. Where is it? Is it a garden, a park, the water? Next decide what the weather is like. Is it sunny? over cast? Is the grass or ground warm or cool? Are there any birds or butterflies? You decide. Think of what the ground looks like and how the air feels. You can stay there as long as you want. You can come back whenever you want to.

((This is your safe place))

Visit the secret garden



Or the water


If you lived inside a flower (like a fairie)


What type of flower would you feel safe in?

Start by imagining a detail of your own secret garden and build a safe place for you to spend time when you need to.

Then, when it's time to sleep...


Safe place is associated with EMDR therapy http://www.anapsys.co.uk/Disorders/EMDR.htm
Find an EMDR therapist here and click on
referrals in the left column.

The author is not a therapist or counselor. Safe place is simply a creative writing / art project and not proven effective by any physician.


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