News Research Without Borders: Covering the War in Iraq at Newsweek
Dana Gordon and Madeline Cohen

News Research Without Borders
Monday, June 7, 2004
7:30-9 am
Special Libraries Association 2004 Annual Conference News Division

Dana Gordon and Madeline Cohen discussed how they inform their journalists in Iraq, Afghanistan, and that area of world and how the librarians keep themselves informed.

Dana discussed how they use LexisNexis publisher to send clips to reporters in Iraq.

Madeline showed some selected Web sites, beginning with Jane's, a military site they subscribe to. Journalists also frequently request items from the international press. For foreign news, they use World News Connection, a subscription service from FBIS, the U.S. State Department's Foreign Media Reaction, and a number of Middle Eastern news sites in English.

They provided a handout of their PowerPoint slides showing all the links to nonsubscription sites they shared. Their Iraq resources have been added to the Iraq page.

Special Libraries Association 2004 Annual Conference
SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 06/07/04