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Bored now

23 December 2001

Okay, I knew it would feel really empty here after all my friends left, but I have lots of work to do, so I thought it would just be some nice time to myself. Nope. Since I have no desire to do any of the work, at least right now, I am incredibly bored. Mindnumbingly bored. Minutes, even seconds crawl by. And nothing's going to be open here until Thursday or so. I thought I spent at least two hours this morning walking around in the snow here, and it was barely over an hour. I went up to the Philosopher's Path (Philosophenweg) up on the mountain on the other side of the river for the first time. There were a good three or four inches of snow and it was really pretty. I'd venture charming. I took my camera, so now there are Heidelberg in the snow pictures. Woohoo. I've also added a picture of the castle the youth hostel was in from last weekend.

If I get involved in work, I think it'll improve things. I have a program to work on and I can get pretty caught up in that. If I just had a reference book or two, it would simplify things, but what's a little C++ off the top of my head. (I tried to implement a two dimensional array off the top of my head in perl a few months ago and before I looked up some of the gorier details online, I had some embarrassingly bad code. It still worked, though. That's perl for you. C++ just merrily seg faults.)

Yesterday, I decided to buy books for myself for Christmas. I bought Wuthering Heights, since I've been meaning to read it for years and it wasn't too expensive. Most English books here are pretty pricey. I thought it would be cool to read Look Homeward, Angel since it's set in Asheville and all, but I couldn't bear to spend 37 DM ($17) on the slightly beat up paperback copy in the bookstore. (Most English books aren't quite that expensive. $12-$13 for a paperback is more common.) I also figure if my choices are Wuthering Heights or even more complicated stuff in German, I'll be more likely to get into it. My friend from Sweden gave me a German translation of a Swedish children's book and I'm having fun reading that right now. I only rarely need to look up words and I learn some new useful ones in the process. I just learned the word for valley. I can't believe I hadn't learned it already, since I often want to say that Asheville is in a valley. I'm not sure how I described it before. Badly, I'm sure. Just like everything else. Such is life.

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