Re: Calling Jesus God

From: Mark O'Brien (Mark_O'
Date: Fri Sep 22 1995 - 15:17:10 EDT

Original message sent on Fri, Sep 22 9:25 AM by (Carl
W. Conrad) :

> I don't think I would read Mk 2:6-7 to mean that Jesus claimed to BE
> God but that he claimed authority which, in their view, only God
> could legitimately claim. But the authority to forgive sins is
> associated, in the early Xn view, with the Son of Man as agent of
> God in judgment. Perhaps this may seem to be quibbling, but it
> doesn't seem to me to be quite the same thing as equating Jesus with
> God.

I see your point and the distinction you are making. You may well be right in
drawing a distinction between claiming to be God and claiming to have the
authority of God... I need to ponder that one for a while.

Another passage come to mind... how would you interpret Peter's confession in Mt

Mark O'Brien

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